How amateurs passed the Python 3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam

Qualified background

Until last year I worked outside the IT industry.



Received in Shinjuku The test itself took about 20 minutes. The test results came out on the screen in haste.

Study method (mainly 3!)

① atcoder (competition algorithm contest)

** Just writing the code doesn't really continue **, so I learned the python grammar while solving the problem on the site I asked my friend. You can study for free at AtCoder Beginner Contest at the link below. Account required Link Below is the answer. If you want to try the code once, run it with a code test. All you need is a PC and an internet environment! Below is the answer to question A108

a,b = map(int,input().split())

if a == 2 or b == 2:

I will omit detailed information about atcoder. I think that you can find out more by searching with the keywords on this site, so ...

② Python tutorial 3rd edition

I bought it because it is in the test range. (Because the paper was good) ** I read this anyway. ** ** I decided which chapter to focus on and read it from the link below. Link I just skipped the parts I didn't understand.

③ Mock test

You can take a practice test at the link below. It was all free. I'm sure I needed an account. Link After reading the tutorial, I went to the passing line about the 6th time.


Perhaps this is a study method that is not suitable for those who need qualifications in a hurry. I enjoyed studying python grammar as much as possible while solving problems. Next, we will challenge the data analysis.

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