[Algorithm x Python] How to use the list

I will write about algorithms and Python.

table of contents 0. What is an algorithm?

  1. What is a list?
  2. How to use the list

0. What is an algorithm?

It is a procedure for calculating and working. We aim to process ** efficiently ** in a short time **.

1. What is a list?

It is one of ** data structures ** and has a structure in which data are arranged in a straight line. It is often used in algorithms that handle large amounts of data. The list is ** easy to add and delete data **, but it takes time to access.

** Point **: Data structure When data is put into the memory of a computer, the order and positional relationship of the data are defined.

1-0. Python and list

In Python, lists are often used rather than arrays. The element of the list can be ** any Python object **. And the element type is ** not need to be unified **.

** Point **: Array One of the ** data structures **, which arranges data in a row. While it's easy to access the data, it's time-consuming to add or remove.

2. How to use the list

2-0. Creating a list

◯ Create a list in the form of list name = [].

#Create an empty list with no elements
color_list = []

Of course, you can also add elements from the beginning. In that case, put ** elements separated by commas as shown below.

#Put elements in the list
color_list = ['Red','Yellow','Green']

2-1. Make a list from other data types

Creating a list using the list () function

◯ You can list other objects by using the list () function.

#Convert a string to a list
#When a string is listed, each character becomes an element of the list.

Creating a list using the split () function

◯ You can use the split () function to split a string into a list based on some separator string.

#Put the contents in the object birthday
birthday = '29/9/1993'
#Decide where you want to split(This time slash= /)To divide

2-2. Acquisition of elements

Getting elements using [offset]

◯ You can retrieve elements from the list using [offset]. Note that the offset of the leftmost element is 0.

#Create a list with strings as elements
color_list = ['Red','Yellow','Green']
#Gets the elements of the list specified by the offset

If the number of elements in the list is large, you can specify the elements from the back of the list using an index such as -1, -2 ....

In this case, if the character string 'Green' is specified from the left using an offset, it will be color_list [2], and it will be specified using a negative index from the end of the list. In the case, it becomes color_list [-1].

Get elements and indexes using the enumerate () function

◯ You can get elements and indexes efficiently by using the enumerate () function.


#object(variable)Substitute a string for s
s = 'TOKYO'
#Elements efficiently using for loops(item)And its index(offset)To get
for (offset,item) in enumerate(s):
    print(item,'Index is',offset)
Index of T is 0
Index of O is 1
K index is 2
Y index is 3
O index is 4


#Make a list of color elements
color_list = ['Red','Yellow','Green','Blue','White']

#Elements from the list(String)And get its index
for i,color in enumerate(color_list):
Red is 0th
Yellow is the first
Green is second
Blue is the third
White is fourth

Getting multiple elements using slices

◯ You can extract multiple elements using slices. A slice of the list is also a list.

When getting the elements with [start: end], get the elements from start to ** end-1 ** by offset. ("2-3. Update Elements" has a detailed description of slices.)

alphabet = ['A','B','C','D','E']


#Offset, 0 to 2(3-1)You can get the elements of.
['A', 'B', 'C']

Getting multiple elements using steps


#Two steps from the top of the list(Every other)Get the element with
['A', 'C', 'E']

◯ You can get the element from the end by using minus


#Two steps from the end of the list(Every other)Get the element with
['E', 'C', 'A']

◯ You can reverse the order of the elements in the list by applying the steps ↓


#Get list elements in order from the end

2-3. Update elements

Rewriting elements using [Offset]

#Make a list of Asian country names
asian_countries = ['China','India','Japan']

#To the second element from the left in the list'Russia'Substitute
asian_countries[1] = 'Russia'

Updating elements with slices

◯ You can use slices to get elements in a specified range and replace them.

[:] Get elements from beginning to end [start:] Get the elements from the start offset to the end [: end] Get the elements from the beginning to the end-1 offset [start: end] Get elements from start offset to end-1 offset [start: end: step] From the start offset, get the elements up to the end-1 offset for each step.

Update elements using [:]

◯ Update the entire list.

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

#Get and replace all elements from beginning to end.
numbers[:] = ['one','two','three','etc']
Update elements using [start:]

◯ Replaces the elements from the specified location to the end. It is an image like substitution.

numbers = ['one','two','three','etc']

#Replace by specifying the element from offset 3 to the end
numbers[3:] = ['four','five','six']
['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six']
Updating elements using [: end]

◯ Get and replace the elements from the beginning to end-1.

numbers = [4,5,6,7,8,9]

#From the beginning end-From 1, that is, 0-Gets and replaces elements in the range of 1.
#-List in spaces from 1 to 0[1,2,3]It is an image to substitute.
numbers[:0] = [1,2,3]
Update elements using [start: end]

◯ Get the range of start <= element <end with the offset and replace it.

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

#Offset, 0 to 2(3-1)Gets and replaces elements in the range up to.
numbers[0:3] = ['one','two','three']
['one', 'two', 'three', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Update elements using [start: end: step]

◯ Get and replace elements for each step in the range from start to end-1.

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

#Get elements every 3 to 3 offsets and list them['three','six','nine']Replace with.
numbers[2::3] = ['three','six','nine']
[1, 2, 'three', 4, 5, 'six', 7, 8, 'nine']

2-4. Add element

Adding elements using the append () function

◯ Add an element at the end.


#Make a list of Asian country names
asian_countries = ['China','India','Japan']

#Add an element at the end
['China', 'India', 'Japan','Russia']

Adding elements using the insert () function

◯ Add an element to the specified location using the offset.

asian_countries = ['China','India','Japan']

#String at offset 2 in the list'Indonesia'To add.
['China', 'India', 'Indonesia', 'Japan']

2-5. Deleting elements

Deleting elements using del and [offset]

◯ del List name Deletes the specified element in the form of [offset].

asian_countries = ['China','India','Indonesia','Japan']

#del is a Python statement, assignment(=)Something like the opposite of.
#del is not a method
del asian_countries[2]

Remove elements using the remove () function

◯ Use this when you do not know where the element you want to erase is.

asian_countries = ['China','India','Indonesia','Japan']

#Specify an element and delete it

Deleting elements using the pop () function

◯ You can take an element from the list and delete it at the same time.

asian_countries = ['China','India','Indonesia','Japan']

#Specify an element and delete it

2-6. Sorting elements

Sorting using the sort () function

◯ Sort the list on the spot. The default is ascending order. For strings, it is in alphabetical order.

alphabet = ['A','E','D','C','B']

#All strings to be sorted must be of the same type
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

Sorting using the sorted () function

◯ Copy the list and sort it. So the original of the list will not change.

#Integers and floating point numbers can be sorted even if they are mixed
numbers = [ 2 , 1.5 , 1 , 0 , 0.5 , 2.5]

#New list sorted_Make numbers
#Substitute a sorted number list
sorted_numbers = sorted(numbers)

print('sorted_numbers =' , sorted_numbers)
print('numbers =' , numbers)
sorted_numbers = [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5]
numbers = [2, 1.5, 1, 0, 0.5, 2.5]

2-7. List of lists

◯ Python lists can have Python objects as elements. Therefore, the list itself can be treated as an element of other lists.

#Make a list of country names
asia = ['China','India','Indonesia']
americas = ['USA','Brazil','Mexico']
africa = ['Nigeria','Ethiopia','Egypt']
#Create a list that includes a list
countries = [asia,americas,africa,'Japan']


#Display a list that contains a list
[['China', 'India', 'Indonesia'], ['USA', 'Brazil', 'Mexico'], ['Nigeria', 'Ethiopia', 'Egypt'], 'Japan']


#Specify the element in the list by offset
['China', 'India', 'Indonesia']

◯ Get the element of offset 2 in the element of offset 1 (americas list) in the countries list.


#Specify the element in two steps

2-8. Join list

Joining lists using the extend () function

◯ Use the extend () function to combine the two lists. All the elements in the list are in one list.

list1 = ['a','b','c']
list2 = ['d','e','f']

#Combine two lists into a new list
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

Combine lists using + =

Use ◯ ** + = ** to combine the two lists.

list_a = [1,2,3]
list_b = [4,5,6]

#Combine two lists into a new list
list_a = [1,2,3]
list_b = [4,5,6]

#List is added to other list as one element

2-9. Other operations

Getting the offset using the index () function

◯ Used when you want to know the offset of an element.

asian_countries = ['China','India','Indonesia','Japan']

#String'Japan'Get the offset of

Test for the presence or absence of values using in

asian_countries = ['China','India','Indonesia','Japan']

#Know if a value is in the list
print('Japan' in asian_countries)
print('Russia' in asian_countries)

Calculation of the number of values using the count () function

#Assign a list of strings to the variable characters
characters = list('personal_computer')

['p', 'e', 'r', 's', 'o', 'n', 'a', 'l', '_', 'c', 'o', 'm', 'p', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r']

#In the list called characters'o'Find out how many are included

Getting the length using the len () function

#Find out the number of elements in the list characters


Thank you for reading. Next, I would like to write a little more about the list. If you have any mistakes or improvements, please let us know.

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