Python: How to use async with

How to use async with which can be used from python 3.5. PEP 492 -- Coroutines with async and await syntax

async with? An async version of the context manager.

  1. Make a connection to DB <-It takes time = async
  2. Do something with the connection you made
  3. Close the connection

When there is processing like

async with MyDB() as db:

If you make MyDB better by executing the code, you can automatically close the db connection when you exit the async with block.

Basic usage

For example, let's create a class that wraps aiomysql and use it.

import asyncio
import aiomysql

class MyDB:
    #Called just before entering async with.
    async def __aenter__(self):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self._connection = await aiomysql.connect(
        return self

    #Called immediately after exiting the async with block.
    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):

    async def fetchall(self, query, args=[]):
        cursor = await self._connection.cursor()
        await cursor.execute(query, args)
        return await cursor.fetchall()

It feels like hiding the connection destination of aiomysql.

The important ones are __aenter__ and __aexit__. By implementing these, this class can be used as an asynchronous context manager. The timing of being called is as commented.

As in the example, aenter is a common pattern for setting up resources and aexit for releasing resources.

User side

Let's also look at the caller.

Side to use

from my_db import MyDB

class Hoge:
    async def call_db(self):
        # db = MyDB()
        # async with db:
        #But it has the same meaning.
        async with MyDB() as db:
            result = db.fetchall('select * from some_table')

ʻAsync with [asynchronous context manager instance] as [return value of aenter]:` format.

When this is executed, the processing will proceed in the following order.

  1. An instance of MyDB is created (__init__ is called)
  2. Hoge's async with clause begins processing
  3. MyDB __aenter__ is called
  4. The return value of __aenter__ in MyDB is stored in db of ʻasync with as db`
  5. Hoge's result = db.fetchall ('select * from some_table') is executed
  6. MyDB __aexit__ is called

It feels like a db instance can use all its resources only when it's in async with.

Various other usages

I want to use it in the factory

ʻAsync with MyDB.connect () as db: `when you want to

Side to use

class Hoge:
    async def call_db(self):
        async with MyDB.connect() as db:
            result = db.fetchall('select * from some_table')

Just implement the connect method as you normally would:

class MyDB:
    __slots__ = ['_connection']

    async def __aenter__(self):

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):

    async def fetchall(self, query, args=[]):

    def connect(cls):
        return cls()

All you need is an instance of MyDB (asynchronous context manager) after async with.

I want to async with a system that doesn't return my own instance

Side to use

class Hoge:
    async def call_db(self):
        async with MyDB.direct_fetch('select * from some_table') as rows:

In this case, the return value of MyDB.direct_fetch in async with is unlikely to be in the MyDB instance, so you need to think a little. Get aiohttp may be helpful.

It can be handled by creating a private context manager class as shown below.

class _QueryContextManager:
    def __init__(self, coro):
        self._coro = coro

    async def __aenter__(self):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self._connection = await aiomysql.connect(
        return await self._coro(self._connection)

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):

class MyDB:
    __slots__ = ['_connection']

    def direct_fetch(cls, query, args=[]):
        async def fetch(connection):
            cursor = await connection.cursor()
            await cursor.execute(query, args)
            return await cursor.fetchall()

        #Returns a private context manager.
        return _QueryContextManager(coro=fetch)

Hmm. I can't deny the feeling of force. .. There may be a better way to write it.

In aiohttp, the connection can be closed from the instance of the return value of request (self._resp.release ()), so it seems to be a little cleaner.

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