A story about a liberal arts programming amateur getting a Python 3 engineer certification basic exam



This is the story until I got the Python3 engineer certification basic exam as a beginner in liberal arts programming. I hope this will be helpful for beginners in programming when they start studying Python.

My career

I am a graduate of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the National University and have been a network main sales engineer for about two years. We usually propose and design network equipment for small and medium-sized enterprises. Although Ichiou is an engineer, the skills required in business are mainly network and security.

I never use programming in my work, and I am an amateur who has never studied in my school days. By the way, I learned network knowledge after joining the company, so I have no background in IT.

Motivation for taking the exam

・ I wanted to acquire the skills to automate office work ・ Interested in data analysis

Study method

Studying python itself

After all, I have no knowledge of programming, so I made various efforts. After researching various things on the net, I learned mainly about books.

The order is ① What is programming? (2) Introduction to Python (3) Solidification of Python basics (4) Official text (5) Mock exam It will be.

① What is programming?

First of all, what is programming? I read a new book to learn that [Programming course as a culture (Ryo Shimizu)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E6%95%99%E9%A4%8A%E3%81%A8%E3%81%97%E3 % 81% A6% E3% 81% AE% E3% 83% 97% E3% 83% AD% E3% 82% B0% E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% 9F% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82 % B0% E8% AC% 9B% E5% BA% A7-% E4% B8% AD% E5% 85% AC% E6% 96% B0% E6% 9B% B8% E3% 83% A9% E3% 82% AF% E3% 83% AC-% E6% B8% 85% E6% B0% B4-% E4% BA% AE / dp / 4121504895)

It's a new book to the last, and it's a very easy-to-read book, so I'm glad I read it first. What is programming? If you know the whole picture vaguely, you will not lose track of "what you are studying now" while studying.

② Introduction to Python

Next, I chose this book as a Python book for beginners. [Python Start Book (Shingo Tsuji)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/Python%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3% 83% 96% E3% 83% 83% E3% 82% AF-% E5% A2% 97% E8% A3% 9C% E6% 94% B9% E8% A8% 82% E7% 89% 88-% E8% BE% BB-% E7% 9C% 9F% E5% 90% BE / dp / 4774196436)

There are many Python books published for beginners, so I think you should choose a book that you find easy to read and understand.

The Python Startbook is written for complete beginners and was just right for beginners like me as it gives you a rough overview of Python from building a development environment.

However, since it is an introductory book, I couldn't really see what Python could do. So I had to put up with it in terms of motivation.

③ Solidify the basics of Python

Now that I have a rough idea of a rudimentary overview of Python, I started working on everyone's Python. [Everyone's Python (Jun Shibata)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%81%BF%E3%82%93%E3%81%AA%E3%81%AEPython-%E7%AC % AC4% E7% 89% 88-% E6% 9F% B4% E7% 94% B0-% E6% B7% B3-ebook / dp / B01NCOIC2P)

Everyone's Python is also a book for beginners, but I think that it is just right for solidifying the basics as the second book because the contents are substantial. (I think that programming beginners will find it difficult to choose the first book.)

In the 4th edition, data analysis was added, and I was able to gradually understand what Python can do. Since I was doing a Python startbook, I was able to study while flowing what I knew, so it was easy to understand important things.

I did the above as a study of Python.

What about online courses?

I thought about an online course, but I basically studied with books, so I chose to study by myself because I thought it would be better to get used to it. Fortunately, there are many Python books, and many popular books have been published, so I think it is easy to learn as an environment.

So, I'm sorry, but I don't know which is better, a book or an online course.

Test preparation

As a test preparation, we conducted learning with a Python tutorial and a mock test.

④ Python tutorial

The Python tutorial is the official text of the Python Engineer Certification Basic Exam and is important for taking the exam. [Python Tutorial](https://www.amazon.co.jp/Python%E3%83%81%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3 % 82% A2% E3% 83% AB-% E7% AC% AC3% E7% 89% 88-Guido-van-Rossum / dp / 4873117534)

However, the Python tutorial was honestly confusing to beginners. It was a pain for me, who only knows Python, because it is explained using comparison with other languages. I read the code once and then copied the code through it, but I think that you should try the code and deepen your understanding while thinking for yourself instead of copying the code.

⑤ Mock test

You can take a mock exam at DIVE INTO EXAM. Membership registration is required, but it's free! DIVE INTO EXAM

I went through this mock exam until I got a stable and perfect score. If you do it to some extent, you will remember the problem, but I felt that it was important to understand why it was the answer while moving the code.


Test results

I passed 825/1000. I was wondering if I could get a little better, but it wasn't that sweet.


The exam felt more difficult than I expected. I think the reason is that I had no practical experience with Python, and the amount and experience of writing code was overwhelmingly small.

If you don't understand it properly, you can change the problem a little and you won't understand it. So I think it's important to think for yourself and try out the code. In that respect, I felt that using Python for my own work and private life would be a good study.

from now on

Now that I understand the basics of Python, I plan to study with the aim of automating clerical work and analyzing data. Other than Python, I also want to study AWS, so it may be in parallel.

I haven't got the basic information, so I'm thinking of choosing Python in the afternoon when I receive the basic information.

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