Take the Python3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam

Python engineer certification basic exam

About Python Engineer Certification Basic Exam

It is explained in various qiita articles, so I will omit it. I will post the link of the official website.

Python Engineer Certification Basic Exam

It may not be helpful for those who have no experience with Python, but I will write about exams and my studies.


The author is currently (as of 2019) a second year member of society, and has been touching Python for almost two years since he first touched Python in his work from the first year. I learned Python by myself while studying it in my work. I was exposed to programming when I was in college, so it wasn't a pain. When I was in college, I was studying C and Java in class, but to be honest, I realized from the first year that what I learned in college was almost useless in my work. (Small feeling)

History of the exam

From the conclusion, the process of taking the exam is a dirty story, but I wanted money. The author's company had a qualification incentive, so I decided to take it. __ Money will not betray. __

Studying until the exam

I've been using Python for over a year, so I wasn't courageous enough to go without studying. First of all, I investigated how to study in articles such as qiita. What I noticed was the mock test. And free. Mock exam When I tried it, 450 points out of 1000 points ... It was the moment when I decided to study properly.

Study method

First, look at the answers to the wrong questions in the mock exam and understand the answers. If you can't, just google until you know. When all is done, I will do a mock test again. I will do it until I get a perfect score to understand the mistake. At this point, you can find the answer just by looking at the answer. It's overfitting. But in the exam, I thought I might have the same problem, so I did it until I got a perfect score. Finally, I read the reference material document. The scope of the exam questions is the content of O'Reilly Japan" Python Tutorial 3rd Edition ", so I read it. You can read it on the web. Python Tutorial For the time being, I read everything, and when I was wondering while reading, I actually moved my hand and checked the movement.

Inexperienced person

I think it would be better for inexperienced people to read the teaching materials, then take a mock exam and read the teaching materials again.

Take the exam

From the result, it passed. It was 850 points out of 1000 points. It was pretty good. Personally, I'm glad I received it. The test itself lasted more than 30 minutes. I think there were many simple problems. There was also the problem that I didn't have to remember this. The reason I was happy to receive it was that I was aware of my lack of basic skills. In particular, some methods that I didn't know were actually useful, and I realized once again the importance of the basics.


I think you can pass this exam itself if you read the practice exam and the documentation. Let's solidify the foundation.

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