I took the python engineer certification exam this time. I passed the exam, but I've learned a lot, so I'll write it down as a memorandum. I hope it helps someone. I will look back on what I tended to ask.
(Looking back while watching the python tutorial in the question range)
Chapter 2 How to use the interpreter 2.1 Start There are 3 patterns in this, as shown below.
Type python in the shell. 2.python -c command [argument] 3.python -m module name [argument]
Executes the statement in the command along with starting the interpreter.
can execute the source file of the specified module as if it was started by specifying the full path.
You can access the list assigned to argv by running import sys.
Arguments are stored in order from the number of elements [0] including the script file.
Chapter 3 3.1 Numerical value
Numbers with a decimal point are of type float in python.
Division (/) always returns a float.
If you want to get an integer answer, use // to calculate.
If you want to get only the remainder, use%.
3.2 String
r can pass through special characters.
3.3 Slicing
The slicing performance is as follows
You cannot assign a character string.
len () function Can be used for lists as well as characters.
For various processing of the list, the list is mutable and can be repainted.
end argument
5.2 break,continue,pass
5.3 Keyword arguments When calling a function, the positional argument must come first and the keyword argument must come after. All keyword arguments must match those written in the formal arguments of the function definition.
data structure
Various list operations
I'm on the way, but I'll write more
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