Python Basic Course (Introduction)

** Motivation for writing this article ** In Shizuoka prefecture where I live, it has been called "Shizuoka Developers Study Group" since 2010. Study sessions are held for IT engineers. 2010: "Programming in Haskell" 2011: "JavaScript: The Good Parts" 2012: "Introduction to HTML5 & CSS3 Practice" 2013: "Introduction to Machine Learning" 2014: "Practical computer vision"

Because Python was used in last year's "Practice Computer Vision" Learn the basics of Python so that many people can attend the study session I created a slide. After that, the members who participated in the study session said, "I want to hear the announcement of the slide." If there is a request and you have created a material for beginners, it is better to publish it on the Web I thought it would be good for many people to see it, so I used Qiita this time. I decided to publish the contents of the slide.

I don't use Python in my daily life or business, so what I'm explaining on this page is It's really basic, but I've studied Python and even programming languages so far I made it easy for people who have no experience to understand, so I hope it will be helpful for learning.

Next: Python Basic Course (1 What is Python)

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