Python basic course (12 functions)

What is a function

According to the IT terminology dictionary, "function" is There is a "series of instructions that receives data called arguments, executes the specified processing and returns the result". A program is a collection of functions because the program itself processes the data and returns the results. If you write each time you use a program that does the same thing without using a function, the program becomes redundant. Also, if correction is necessary, all parts must be corrected. If you make it a function, you can shorten the amount of code in the program, and you can modify it by modifying only one function, so it does not take time. It is also indispensable when creating the "module" described later.

Function definition

Create a simple function. This is a program that uses a function that determines whether the year given as an argument is a leap year. A function that stores a favorite number in year on the 9th line (currently stores 2015) and determines a leap year Let's check that leap_year () works properly.

def leap_year(year):
    if year % 400 == 0 or (year % 100 != 0 and year % 4 == 0) :
        leap = True
        leap = False

    return leap

year = 2015
print("{0} = {1}".format(year,leap_year(year)))

The function is defined in the following form.

** def ** * Function name * ** (** * Arguments * **): ** processing ** return ** * Return value *

By not writing a return statement, you can also define a function that has no return value.

def leap_year(year):
    if year % 400 == 0 or (year % 100 != 0 and year % 4 == 0) :
        print("{0} is leap year".format(year))
        print("{0} is not leap year".format(year))

year = 2015


If you omit the normal function argument, an exception is thrown.

def plus_4(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4):
    return arg1+arg2+arg3+arg4

print("no arg:{0}".format(plus_4()))

TypeError: plus_4() takes exactly 4 arguments (0 given)

However, when the function is defined, * argument * ** = ** * default value * is written so that the argument is omitted. You can set the default value.

def plus_4(arg1=2000,arg2=0,arg3=10,arg4=5):
    return arg1+arg2+arg3+arg4

print("no arg:{0}".format(plus_4()))

The following result is output. It's convenient. no arg:2015

Variadic argument

You can create a function that does not determine the number of arguments in advance.

def spam(*args):


The output result is ('arg1', 2, 3.4) It will be. You can pass a value to the argument as a tuple by defining ** \ * variable name ** in the argument.

def spam(**args):


Another way to define variadic arguments is to define the arguments as ** \ * \ * variable name **. You can pass a value as an argument as a dictionary.

global variable

A global variable is a variable that can be referenced from anywhere. By declaring it outside the function, it can be used inside or outside the function. Conversely, local variables, which are variables declared inside a function, cannot be used outside the function.

var1 = "global"
def hoge(str):
    var2 = "local"
    return var1 + str + var2


The above program will throw a run-time exception. You should see something like this:

global-local Traceback (most recent call last): print("{0}".format(var2)) NameError: name 'var2' is not defined

Since the variable var2 is a variable declared in the function hoge, it cannot be used from the outside. The variable var1 declared outside the function can be used inside and outside the function. Of the program Comment out "print (" {0} ".format (var2))" and Instead, uncomment "print (" {0} ".format (var1))" and run the program again. This time the exception does not occur.

Next, I will show you how to change the global variable in the function.

var1 = "global"

def spam():

	var1 = "change global"
	var2 = "local"

print("var1 : {0}".format(var1))

ange global local var1 : change global

I expect it to be displayed, but in reality

ange global local var1 : global

It will be displayed. Why couldn't I change the global variable inside the function? Even if you store a value in a variable with the same name as a global variable in a function, it will be interpreted as a local variable with the same name. If you want to change a global variable in a function, specify that the variable is global as shown below and then change it.

def spam():
    global var1
    var1 = "change global"
    var2 = "local"
    print("{0}".format(var1+" "+var2))

print("var1 : {0}".format(var1))

change global local var1 : change global

The expected result was output.

Next: Python Basic Course (13 classes)

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