Python Basic Course (7 Dictionary)


Dictionary type (dictionary) saves data in key-value store. If you don't know about key-value stores, think of a zip code. A zip code is a system that stores data with typical key values. Key: 107-0052 Value: Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Key: 160-0021 Value: Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Another key value is the relationship between the student ID number and the student name. Dictionary in Python d = {'key1' : 'Value1', 'key2' : 'Value2'} It is defined as.

Copy the following program and execute it. I will explain each function.

d = {'key1' : 'Value1', 'key2' : 'Value2'}

print("len(d) {0}".format(len(d)))
print("min(d) {0}".format(min(d)))
print("max(d) {0}".format(max(d)))

dic_d_key1 = 'key1' in d
dic_d_key3 = 'key3' in d
print("dic_d_key1 {0}".format(dic_d_key1))
print("dic_d_key3 {0}".format(dic_d_key3))

print("d[key1 {0}".format(d['key1']))
print("d[key1 {0}".format(d.get('key1')))
print("d[key1 {0}".format(d.get('key3')))
print("d[key1 {0}".format(d.get('key3','No Existance')))
d['key1'] = 'NewValue1'
d['key3'] = 'Value3'
del d['key2']
print("d {0}".format(d))
print("d {0}".format(d))

Confirmation of the existence of elements in the dictionary

You can check if an element exists in the dictionary with ** Key in Dictionary **.

len (dictionary), max (dictionary), min (dictionary)

You can get the number of data in the dictionary by writing ** len (dictionary) **. ** max (dictionary) ** and ** min (dictionary) ** return the key ** of the ** data with the largest / smallest data in the dictionary.

Data acquisition

If you want to get the value in the dictionary, specify the key. It can be obtained by ** dictionary [key] **, but in this notation, it does not exist in the dictionary. If you specify a key, an error will occur. There is also a way to check that the key exists with ** Key in Dictionary ** and process it, Another way to specify the key is ** Dictionary.get (key) **. This does not exist in the dictionary Specifying the key does not cause an error. further, By writing ** dictionary.get (key, value when key does not exist) ** You can set the value to be returned when the key does not exist.

Add / update data

** Dictionary [key] = Value ** If the key does not exist in the dictionary, data will be added, and if it exists, the value will be updated.

Delete data

** del Dictionary [key] ** Delete the key and the value data corresponding to the key. However, it does not exist in the dictionary If you specify a key, an error will occur. ** Dictionary.pop (key) ** is deleted after getting the value, as you can see in the output result of the program. (Imagine the process of removing from the box) However, if you specify a key that does not exist in the dictionary, an error will occur. There is also a way to check that the key exists with ** Key in Dictionary ** and process it, Like get, pop can be described as ** dictionary.pop (key, value when key does not exist) **. It can be written to return the value if the key does not exist without causing an error.

Next: Python Basic Course (8 branches)

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