Python basic course (2 Python installation)

As of January 2015, there are two major versions of Python. The final version of version 2.x released in 2000 is 2.7, and the latest version of 3.x released in 2008 is 3.4. This time, I will use Python 3.4 for those who are just starting to learn Python. Please note that Python 3.x does not have backward compatibility for the 2.x source code.

Python installation

Windows/Mac OS Official homepage "Files" supports your PC OS and 32bit / 64bit Download the installer. Then follow the installer's instructions. This page will be helpful when installing Python on Windows. When installing Python on Mac [this page]( 8B% E7% 99% BA% E7% 92% B0% E5% A2% 83% E6% A7% 8B% E7% AF% 89 (2013_11)) may be helpful.

Linux Most Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed.

Installation of integrated development environment

When the installation is completed, it was installed at Command Prompt or at the same time. You can also program with IDLE (Python GUI), but to write the source code You can also use a convenient text editor or software. I use the free Integrated Development Environment PyCharm Was there. Nowadays, you can write Python using various text editors and IDEs such as Atom and Visual Studio Code.

"Online execution environment" paiza.IO

Introducing the service paiza.IO released in November 2014. This service writes a program in a browser and immediately executes the result. It is a convenient service that you can check, and it also supports Python3. However, please note the following points when using it.

Next: Python Basic Course (3 Python Execution)

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