[Python] I personally summarized the basic grammar.

I will summarize Python to deepen my understanding. I will update it from time to time.

References ☆ Daigo Kunimoto / Akiyoshi Sudo "Introduction to Python for a refreshing understanding"


① Creation of source code

The extension of the source file is " .py "

② Execution

-By Python interpreter (: software) Convert source code to machine language (: computer-understandable language) -If there is a grammatical error, SyntaxError is displayed. -Execution is canceled at the time of Exception (: error at runtime)


[Arithmetic operator]

//: The quotient of division (the answer is an integer) **: Exponentiation *: String iteration (string * number or number * string)

[Priority] High: ** Medium: *, /, % Low: +, -

print(1 + 1 * 7)   --8

print ((1 + 1) * 7) --14, parentheses can be used to increase priority

[Escape sequence]

print ('Good morning \ n you guys \') print ('\ "and '')

Special symbols used when using string literals

\ n: Line break \\: Backslash \': Single quote \" : Double quotes


Variable name = value # variable assignment Variable name #variable reference

print ('The diameter of a circle with a radius of 7 is') ans = 7 * 2 --assignment print (ans) --See print ('circumference') print(ans * 3.14)

name, age ='John', 33 --Unpacked assignment (: How to define multiple variables together)

【Reserved word】
import keyword

-A word that cannot be used as a identifier (: a sequence of letters and numbers used in a name) ・ You can check with the above code ・ When you want to fix the contents, you often name it with capital letters.

[Composite assignment operator]

age + = 1-Same as "age = age + 1" price * = 1.1-Same as "price = price * 1.1"

[Input function]

Variable name = input (string)

name = input ('Tell me your name!') print ('Welcome!' + Name)

Assign keyboard input to variables Data type is str type

Data type

[Main list] int: integer float: decimal str: string bool: Boolean value

[conversion] int function: Truncate decimals, string will result in error float function: String will result in error str function bool function

・ Only character strings or numerical values can be concatenated. -Python does not have implicit type conversion (: mechanism for automatic type conversion), so Must do explicit type conversion`

[Type function]

type (variable name) int (variable name) float (variable name) str (variable name) bool (variable name)

x = 3.14

y = int (x) --int function print(y) print (type (y)) --type function z = str (x) --str function print(z) print(type(z)) print(z * 2)

Variables do not have a data type (= any data type value can be assigned) ➡︎ Find out which data type is stored

[Format function]

'String containing {}'. format (value 1, value 2 ...)

name ='God' age = 77 where print ('my name is {}, year is {}') .format (name, age)-{} embeds the value

You can embed a value in a string {} = Placeholder

[F-string function]

print (f'My name is {name}, year is {age}')

Features introduced in Python 3.6 It is possible to directly specify the variable name (expression is also OK) in the placeholder

Collection (or container)

A mechanism for grouping related data and treating it as a single variable

❶ [List (or array)]

Variable name = [Element 1, Element 2 ...] #Definition List [subscript] # reference List [changed value subscript] = changed value #change

members = ['Sato',' Tanaka','Suzuki'] members [0] ='Kobayashi'-"Sato" is changed to "Kobayashi" print(members) print(members[0])

[Purpose of use] Combine multiple data with order intoone

[Sum function]

sum (list)

scores = [70, 80, 90]
total = sum(scores)

print ('The total is {} points.'. Format (total))

-Calculate the total value of list elements -Cannot be used in the list that contains the string ・ Can also be used for tuples and sets

[Len function]

len (list)

scores = [70, 80, 90]
avg = total / len(scores)

print ('The average is {} points.'. Format (avg))

-Calculate the mean of list elements ・ Can also be used for dictionary, tuple, and set

[Append function]

List .append (append value)


Add to the end of the list element

[Remove function]

List .remove


Delete the specified value from the list element

[Slice sentence]

List variable [A: B] #Refer to the element of subscript A or more and less than B List variable [-A] # Reference (Negative number specified)

scores = [70, 80, 90, 100]
print(scores[0:2])  --70,80
print(scores[1:])   --80,90,100
print(scores[:3])   --70,80,90
print(scores[:])    --70,80,90,100
print(scores[-3])   --80

You can specify the range of list elements A: ➡︎ Elements above subscript A : B➡︎ Elements less than subscript B : ➡︎ All elements -A➡︎ Count from the end of the list ("1"at the beginning of counting)

❷ [Dictionary (or map)]

Variable name = {Key 1: Value 1, Key 2: Value 2 ...} #Definition Dictionary name [key name] # reference Dictionary name [additional key name] = additional value #addition Dictionary name [change key name] = changed value #change

scores = {'Japanese Language':70, 'Mathmatics':80, 'Science':90, 'Social Studies':100} 
scores['English'] = 88
scores['Science'] = 98
print(scores['Social Studies']) 

[Purpose of use] Manage multiple data with key ➡︎ Ordering added from Python 3.7

-- No data type specified Duplicate keys are possible (not recommended) Keys are case sensitive

[Del sentence]

del Dictionary name [key name to delete]

del scores['Mathmatics']

Delete the dictionary element

[Values method]

Dictionary name.values ()

total = sum(scores.values())

Calculate the total value of dictionary elements

❸ [Tuple]

Variable name = (value 1, value 2 ...)

points = (1, 2, 3) 

members = ('James',) --Tuple with only one element (with a comma after the value) print(type(members))

Has characteristics similar to lists (however, elements cannot be added, changed, or deleted) Collectively referred to as sequence with the list

[Purpose of use] Unable to rewrite Combine multiple data into one

❹ [Set (or set)]

Variable name = {value 1, value 2 ...}

numbers = {10, 20, 30, 30}

It also has similar characteristics to lists (but not duplicate, no subscripts & keys, no order)

[Purpose of use] Manage type as data

[Add function]

Set .add (additional value)


Used in place of append function in set Also, the set has a tailless element, so it's just added.

Mutual conversion

list function: Convert to list * In the case oflist (), an empty collection is created tuple function: Convert to tuple set function: Convert to a set

scores = {'Japanese Language':70, 'Mathmatics':80, 'Science':90, 'Social Studies':100}
members = ['John', 'Mike', 'Jack']

print (tuple (members)) --Convert members to tuples print (list (scores)) --Convert scores to list print (set (scores.values ())) --Convert scores to a set

dict (zip (list of keys, list of values)) #Convert to dictionary


a_scores = {'Japanese Language':70, 'Mathmatics':80, 'Science':90, 'Social Studies':100}
b_scores = {'Japanese Language':100, 'Mathmatics':90, 'Science':80, 'Social Studies':70}
member_scores = {
  'A' = a_scores,
  'B' = b_scores,
member_likes = {

'C': {'Cat','Strawberry'}, 'D': {'Dog','Mikan'} } print (member_likes) --Show everyone's likes print (member_likes ['C']) --Display C likes -- x = [1, 2, 3] y = [11, 22, 33] z = [a, b] --A two-dimensional list with a as 0th and b as 1st (: structure that incorporates another list in the list) print (z) --z See whole print (z [0]) --see list x in z print (z [1] [2]) --See list y in z

Set arithmetic

Set 1 & Set 2

member_likes = {

'E': {'Baseball',' Meat'}, 'F': {'Fish',' Baseball'} } common_likes = member_likes['E'] & member_likes['F']

Features of set only Find the commons and differences of two sets

[Set operator] | Operator: Union -Operator: Difference set & operator: intersection ^ Operator: Symmetric difference

G = {1, 2, 3, 4}
H = {2, 3, 4, 5}
print(G | H)    --1,2,3,4,5
print(G - H)    --1
print(G & H)    --2,3,4
print(G ^ H)    --1,5

Conditional branch

Control structure: A program structure that manages the execution order of statements (: execution unit for each line) Structured theorem: A program is made up of a combination of control structures sequential, branch, and iteration.

name ='Yoshiko'; print ('My name is not {}.'. Format (name))-You can write multiple sentences on one line by adding a semicolon at the end of the line.

[If-else statement]

if conditional expression: --Be careful not to forget the colon if block else: --Be careful not to forget the colon else block

name = input ('Tell me your name >>') print ('{}, nice to meet you.'. Format (name)) food = input (What is'{}'s favorite food? >>'.format (name)) if food =='cake': print ('It's delicious!') else:                           print ('{} is also good.'. Format (food))

【pass】 if conditional expression: Processing content else: pass--Since empty blocks are not possible in Python, empty blocks can be allowed by "pass"

[In operator]

if'cake' in food: Include any "cake" in --food -- scores = [70, 80, 90, 100] if 100 in scores: --Check if there is "100" in scores -- -- Key name in dictionary name

scores = {'Japanese Language':70, 'Mathmatics':80, 'Science':90, 'Social Studies':100}

key = input ('Please enter the subject name to be added.') if key in scores: --scores to see if there is a key

[Logical operator]

and: and or: or not: Otherwise

if score> = 70 and score <= 100: --70 or more and 100 or less if 70 <= score <= 100: --This way of writing is also possible (but not possible except for Python)

if score <70 or score> 100: --less than 70 or greater than 100 if not (score <70 and score> 100): must be less than --70 and above 100 if not'cake'in food: --if food does not contain "cake"

[If-elif statement]

if conditional expression 1: if block elif conditional expression 2: elif block (Else: #can be omitted else block)

score = int (input ('Please enter your score')) if score < 0 or score > 100: print ('Incorrect input. Please re-enter correctly') elif score >= 70: print ('Pass. Congratulations.') else: print ('Failed. Have a follow-up exam.')


print ('Please answer the question with yes or no.') money = input ('Do you have any money?') if money == 'yes': tight_eat = input ('Do you want to eat a lot?') light_eat = input ('Do you want to eat lightly?')

    if tight_eat == 'yes':

print ('How about ramen?') elif light_eat == 'yes': print ('How about a sandwich?') else: print ('Let's eat at home.')

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