Basic grammar of Python3 system (included notation)


You will study the basic grammar of Python 3 by referring to "Introduction to Python 3" by O'Reilly Japan. I hope it will be helpful for those who want to study Python in the same way.

Comprehension notation

Comprehension is a format that allows you to compactly create a Python data structure from one or more iterators.

List comprehension

The simplest form of list comprehension is as follows.

[ expression for item in iterable ]

Comparison with normal code

--Normal (not included) code

>>> str_list = []
>>> for i in range(1, 6):
...     str_list.append(str(i) * i)
>>> str_list
['1', '22', '333', '4444', '55555']

--Code in list comprehension

>>> [str(i) * i for i in range(1, 6)]
['1', '22', '333', '4444', '55555']

When adding a conditional expression

--Normal (not included) code

>>> num_list = []
>>> for i in range(1, 6):
...     if i % 2 == 1:
...         num_list.append(str(i) * i)
>>> num_list
['1', '333', '55555']

--Code in list comprehension

>>> [str(i) * i for i in range(1, 6) if i % 2 == 1]
['1', '333', '55555']

When nesting loops

--Normal (not included) code

>>> keys = range(0, 3)
>>> vals = range(0, 3)
>>> for key in keys:
...     for val in vals:
...         print(key, val)
0 0
0 1
0 2
1 0
1 1
1 2
2 0
2 1
2 2

--Code in list comprehension

>>> keys = range(0, 3)
>>> vals = range(0, 3)
>>> tuple = [(key, val) for key in keys for val in vals]
>>> for key, val in tuple:
...     print(key, val)
0 0
0 1
0 2
1 0
1 1
1 2
2 0
2 1
2 2

Dictionary comprehension

The simplest form of dictionary comprehension is as follows.

{ key_item : value_item for item in iterable }

Dictionary comprehension sample

>>> iter_obj = [(1, 'AA'), (2, 'BB'), (3, 'CC')]
>>> dict_obj = {key : val for key, val in iter_obj}
>>> dict_obj
{1: 'AA', 2: 'BB', 3: 'CC'}

Set comprehension

The simplest form of set comprehension is as follows.

{ item for item in iterable }

Set comprehension sample

>>> {10**i for i in range(1, 6)}
{100000, 100, 1000, 10, 10000}

Generator comprehension

The generator can only be run once.

Generator comprehension sample

>>> #What's between the parentheses is the generator comprehension, which returns the generator object.
>>> gene_obj = (num**2 for num in range(1, 6))
>>> num_list = list(gene_obj)
>>> num_list
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

>>> #When I use the same generator object again, nothing comes out
>>> num_list = list(gene_obj)
>>> num_list

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