When implementing a custom exception for my module, I was interested in how the tree structure of built-in exceptions differs between Python 2 and 3. So I decided to investigate the difference in the tree structure of each version.
In conclusion, it turned out that "the tree structure of exceptions differs greatly depending on the version even in the 3rd system, not in the first place the distinction between the 2nd system and the 3rd system". Please note that if you think that the tree structure of exceptions is the same in 3 series, you may have unexpected troubles.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import platform
def classtree(cls, depth=0):
if depth == 0:
prefix = ''
prefix = '.' * (depth * 3) + ' '
if cls.__name__.lower() == 'error':
print('{0}{1} ({2})'.format(prefix, cls.__name__, cls))
print('{0}{1}'.format(prefix, cls.__name__))
for subcls in sorted(cls.__subclasses__(), key=lambda c: c.__name__):
classtree(subcls, depth+1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Python Version: {0}'.format(platform.python_version()))
2.7.12 V.S. 3.5.2
Compare the latest two at the time of writing. Basically, it should be OK if you are aware of this difference in tree structure.
$ pyenv shell 2.7.12
$ python print_exc_tree.py
Python Version: 2.7.12
... Exception
...... Error (<class 'locale.Error'>)
...... StandardError
......... ArithmeticError
............ FloatingPointError
............ OverflowError
............ ZeroDivisionError
......... AssertionError
......... AttributeError
......... BufferError
......... EOFError
......... EnvironmentError
............ IOError
............... ItimerError
............ OSError
......... ImportError
............ ZipImportError
......... LookupError
............ CodecRegistryError
............ IndexError
............ KeyError
......... MemoryError
......... NameError
............ UnboundLocalError
......... ReferenceError
......... RuntimeError
............ NotImplementedError
......... SyntaxError
............ IndentationError
............... TabError
......... SystemError
............ CodecRegistryError
......... TypeError
......... ValueError
............ UnicodeError
............... UnicodeDecodeError
............... UnicodeEncodeError
............... UnicodeTranslateError
...... StopIteration
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... _OptionError
...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit
$ pyenv shell 3.5.2
$ python print_exc_tree.py
Python Version: 3.5.2
... Exception
...... ArithmeticError
......... FloatingPointError
......... OverflowError
......... ZeroDivisionError
...... AssertionError
...... AttributeError
...... BufferError
...... EOFError
...... Error (<class 'locale.Error'>)
...... ImportError
......... ZipImportError
...... LookupError
......... CodecRegistryError
......... IndexError
......... KeyError
...... MemoryError
...... NameError
......... UnboundLocalError
...... OSError
......... BlockingIOError
......... ChildProcessError
......... ConnectionError
............ BrokenPipeError
............ ConnectionAbortedError
............ ConnectionRefusedError
............ ConnectionResetError
......... FileExistsError
......... FileNotFoundError
......... InterruptedError
......... IsADirectoryError
......... ItimerError
......... NotADirectoryError
......... PermissionError
......... ProcessLookupError
......... TimeoutError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... ReferenceError
...... RuntimeError
......... BrokenBarrierError
......... NotImplementedError
......... RecursionError
......... _DeadlockError
...... StopAsyncIteration
...... StopIteration
...... StopTokenizing
...... SubprocessError
......... CalledProcessError
......... TimeoutExpired
...... SyntaxError
......... IndentationError
............ TabError
...... SystemError
......... CodecRegistryError
...... TokenError
...... TypeError
...... ValueError
......... UnicodeError
............ UnicodeDecodeError
............ UnicodeEncodeError
............ UnicodeTranslateError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... ResourceWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... _OptionError
...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit
I'm a little worried about sre_constants.error
, but it seems to be used when the regular expression is ambiguous (Reference)
Python 3.5.2 (default, Jul 29 2016, 11:13:25)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> re.compile("*kittens*")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/dmiyakawa/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/re.py", line 224, in compile
return _compile(pattern, flags)
File "/Users/dmiyakawa/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/re.py", line 293, in _compile
p = sre_compile.compile(pattern, flags)
File "/Users/dmiyakawa/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/sre_compile.py", line 536, in compile
p = sre_parse.parse(p, flags)
File "/Users/dmiyakawa/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/sre_parse.py", line 829, in parse
p = _parse_sub(source, pattern, 0)
File "/Users/dmiyakawa/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/sre_parse.py", line 437, in _parse_sub
itemsappend(_parse(source, state))
File "/Users/dmiyakawa/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/sre_parse.py", line 638, in _parse
source.tell() - here + len(this))
sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat at position 0
If you investigate, you can see that this tree structure has changed significantly depending on the version even in the 3rd system. It may seem a bit verbose, but let's look at 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 in order.
$ pyenv shell 3.0.1
$ python print_exc_tree.py
Python Version: 3.0.1
... Exception
...... ArithmeticError
......... FloatingPointError
......... OverflowError
......... ZeroDivisionError
...... AssertionError
...... AttributeError
...... BufferError
...... EOFError
...... EnvironmentError
......... IOError
............ BlockingIOError
............ ItimerError
............ UnsupportedOperation
......... OSError
...... ImportError
......... ZipImportError
...... LookupError
......... CodecRegistryError
......... IndexError
......... KeyError
...... MemoryError
...... NameError
......... UnboundLocalError
...... ReferenceError
...... RuntimeError
......... NotImplementedError
...... StopIteration
...... SyntaxError
......... IndentationError
............ TabError
...... SystemError
......... CodecRegistryError
...... TypeError
...... ValueError
......... UnicodeError
............ UnicodeDecodeError
............ UnicodeEncodeError
............ UnicodeTranslateError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... error (<class '_thread.error'>)
...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit
$ pyenv shell 3.1.5
$ python print_exc_tree.py
Python Version: 3.1.5
... Exception
...... ArithmeticError
......... FloatingPointError
......... OverflowError
......... ZeroDivisionError
...... AssertionError
...... AttributeError
...... BufferError
...... EOFError
...... EnvironmentError
......... IOError
............ BlockingIOError
............ ItimerError
............ UnsupportedOperation
......... OSError
...... Error (<class 'locale.Error'>)
...... ImportError
......... ZipImportError
...... LookupError
......... CodecRegistryError
......... IndexError
......... KeyError
...... MemoryError
...... NameError
......... UnboundLocalError
...... ReferenceError
...... RuntimeError
......... NotImplementedError
...... StopIteration
...... StopTokenizing
...... SyntaxError
......... IndentationError
............ TabError
...... SystemError
......... CodecRegistryError
...... TokenError
...... TypeError
...... ValueError
......... UnicodeError
............ UnicodeDecodeError
............ UnicodeEncodeError
............ UnicodeTranslateError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit
$ pyenv shell 3.2.6
$ python print_exc_tree.py
Python Version: 3.2.6
... Exception
...... ArithmeticError
......... FloatingPointError
......... OverflowError
......... ZeroDivisionError
...... AssertionError
...... AttributeError
...... BufferError
...... CalledProcessError
...... EOFError
...... EnvironmentError
......... IOError
............ BlockingIOError
............ ItimerError
............ UnsupportedOperation
......... OSError
...... Error (<class 'locale.Error'>)
...... ImportError
......... ZipImportError
...... LookupError
......... CodecRegistryError
......... IndexError
......... KeyError
...... MemoryError
...... NameError
......... UnboundLocalError
...... PickleError
......... PicklingError
......... UnpicklingError
...... PickleError
......... PicklingError
......... UnpicklingError
...... ReferenceError
...... RuntimeError
......... NotImplementedError
...... StopIteration
...... StopTokenizing
...... SyntaxError
......... IndentationError
............ TabError
...... SystemError
......... CodecRegistryError
...... TokenError
...... TypeError
...... ValueError
......... UnicodeError
............ UnicodeDecodeError
............ UnicodeEncodeError
............ UnicodeTranslateError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... ResourceWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... _OptionError
...... _Stop
...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
...... error (<class '_thread.error'>)
...... error (<class 'select.error'>)
...... error (<class 'struct.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit
$ pyenv shell 3.3.6
$ python print_exc_tree.py
Python Version: 3.3.6
... Exception
...... ArithmeticError
......... FloatingPointError
......... OverflowError
......... ZeroDivisionError
...... AssertionError
...... AttributeError
...... BufferError
...... EOFError
...... Error (<class 'locale.Error'>)
...... ImportError
......... ZipImportError
...... LookupError
......... CodecRegistryError
......... IndexError
......... KeyError
...... MemoryError
...... NameError
......... UnboundLocalError
...... OSError
......... BlockingIOError
......... ChildProcessError
......... ConnectionError
............ BrokenPipeError
............ ConnectionAbortedError
............ ConnectionRefusedError
............ ConnectionResetError
......... FileExistsError
......... FileNotFoundError
......... InterruptedError
......... IsADirectoryError
......... ItimerError
......... NotADirectoryError
......... PermissionError
......... ProcessLookupError
......... TimeoutError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... ReferenceError
...... RuntimeError
......... NotImplementedError
......... _DeadlockError
...... StopIteration
...... StopTokenizing
...... SubprocessError
......... CalledProcessError
......... TimeoutExpired
...... SyntaxError
......... IndentationError
............ TabError
...... SystemError
......... CodecRegistryError
...... TokenError
...... TypeError
...... ValueError
......... UnicodeError
............ UnicodeDecodeError
............ UnicodeEncodeError
............ UnicodeTranslateError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... ResourceWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... _OptionError
...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit
$ pyenv shell 3.4.3
$ python print_exc_tree.py
Python Version: 3.4.3
... Exception
...... ArithmeticError
......... FloatingPointError
......... OverflowError
......... ZeroDivisionError
...... AssertionError
...... AttributeError
...... BufferError
...... EOFError
...... Error (<class 'locale.Error'>)
...... ImportError
......... ZipImportError
...... LookupError
......... CodecRegistryError
......... IndexError
......... KeyError
...... MemoryError
...... NameError
......... UnboundLocalError
...... OSError
......... BlockingIOError
......... ChildProcessError
......... ConnectionError
............ BrokenPipeError
............ ConnectionAbortedError
............ ConnectionRefusedError
............ ConnectionResetError
......... FileExistsError
......... FileNotFoundError
......... InterruptedError
......... IsADirectoryError
......... ItimerError
......... NotADirectoryError
......... PermissionError
......... ProcessLookupError
......... TimeoutError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... ReferenceError
...... RuntimeError
......... BrokenBarrierError
......... NotImplementedError
......... _DeadlockError
...... StopIteration
...... StopTokenizing
...... SubprocessError
......... CalledProcessError
......... TimeoutExpired
...... SyntaxError
......... IndentationError
............ TabError
...... SystemError
......... CodecRegistryError
...... TokenError
...... TypeError
...... ValueError
......... UnicodeError
............ UnicodeDecodeError
............ UnicodeEncodeError
............ UnicodeTranslateError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... ResourceWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... _OptionError
...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit
I've just investigated the details, so I'll leave it here, but here I will pay particular attention to the fact that ʻIOError has disappeared in Python 3.3, and that the inheritance structure around ʻOSError
has changed drastically. It is also one of the major differences between the current 2 and 3 systems.
This is a change based on "PEP 3151 --Reworking the OS and IO exception hierarchy". You can see the details by reading the same PEP, but it seems that one major factor is that the error at the time of file operation was split between ʻIOError and ʻOSError
>>> os.remove("fff")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'fff'
>>> open("fff")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'fff'
There is no big difference between 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 at this level. At the tree level, it looks like new exception classes have been added (BrokenBarrierError
in 3.3 → 3.4, RecursionError
and StopAsyncIteration
in 3.4 → 3.5).
However, the change in the behavior of each function is not known in the tree structure, so if you are interested, please read the Changelog etc. carefully, including the difference in minor versions.
Supplement (2017-08-05): In the previous version, it was 3.6.0b2, but since the official version is released in 3.6, it will be 3.6.2. I will not revise the whole sentence for now.
Following the above flow, I also examined the 3.6.2 tree structure currently under development.
Python Version: 3.6.2
... Exception
...... ArithmeticError
......... FloatingPointError
......... OverflowError
......... ZeroDivisionError
...... AssertionError
...... AttributeError
...... BufferError
...... EOFError
...... Error (<class 'locale.Error'>)
...... ImportError
......... ModuleNotFoundError
......... ZipImportError
...... LookupError
......... CodecRegistryError
......... IndexError
......... KeyError
...... MemoryError
...... NameError
......... UnboundLocalError
...... OSError
......... BlockingIOError
......... ChildProcessError
......... ConnectionError
............ BrokenPipeError
............ ConnectionAbortedError
............ ConnectionRefusedError
............ ConnectionResetError
......... FileExistsError
......... FileNotFoundError
......... InterruptedError
......... IsADirectoryError
......... ItimerError
......... NotADirectoryError
......... PermissionError
......... ProcessLookupError
......... TimeoutError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... ReferenceError
...... RuntimeError
......... BrokenBarrierError
......... NotImplementedError
......... RecursionError
......... _DeadlockError
...... StopAsyncIteration
...... StopIteration
...... StopTokenizing
...... SubprocessError
......... CalledProcessError
......... TimeoutExpired
...... SyntaxError
......... IndentationError
............ TabError
...... SystemError
......... CodecRegistryError
...... TokenError
...... TypeError
...... ValueError
......... UnicodeError
............ UnicodeDecodeError
............ UnicodeEncodeError
............ UnicodeTranslateError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... Verbose
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... ResourceWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... _OptionError
...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit
$ diff /tmp/352.txt /tmp/362.txt
< Python Version: 3.5.2
> Python Version: 3.6.2
> ......... ModuleNotFoundError
> ...... Verbose
There are two new exceptions, but it doesn't seem to be an essential change either.
, it seems to be a class used around regular expressions. Details have not been investigated.Click here for information about 3.6: https://docs.python.org/3.6/whatsnew/3.6.html (Because it is updated with the latest information of 3.6, it is not necessarily 3.6.2 above!)
Supplement 2 (2017-12-12): The difference between 3.6.2 and the latest 3.6.7 at the time of update is shown below.
$ diff 362.txt 367.txt
< Python Version: 3.6.2
> Python Version: 3.6.7
$ diff 367.txt 371.txt
< Python Version: 3.6.7
> Python Version: 3.7.1
< ...... error (<class 'sre_constants.error'>)
> ...... error (<class 're.error'>)
There is no big difference.
Reference: https://docs.python.org/3.7/whatsnew/3.7.html
If you use Python runtime exceptions directly in your module, you will not be able to distinguish your module from Python runtime errors (eg RuntimeError
or ʻOSError`). Basically, it is a common practice to create a base exception in your own module and create an exception class tree starting from that. This is a concept often found in other languages that have introduced the idea of exceptions.
If you create your own tree-structured exception system, Python recommends inheriting ʻException` or its subclasses as the base exception class (http://docs.python.jp/3/library/exceptions). .html).
You can subclass the built-in exception class to define new exceptions. We recommend that new exceptions be derived from Exception or its subclasses instead of BaseException. For more information on defining exceptions, see the User-Defined Exceptions section of the Python tutorial.
A word about another language, Ruby.
According to "Effective Ruby", StandardError
is a good base class for creating custom exceptions.
There is a class with the same name in the 2nd series, but there is no exception class in the Python 3 series in the first place, so consider ʻException` and its subclass.
Be aware of subtle differences in conventions, rules, and conventions when switching between multiple programming languages.
Looking back, it might have been kinder to use cls.__module__! ='builtins'
than cls .__ name__. Lower () =='error'
in the above validation code branch. not. We plan to do so the next time we make a major fix.
The title says "Built-in exception tree structure", but the displayed tree structure is actually a builtins
(built-in) exception class and ʻio.UnsupportedOperation that does not require any import like ʻException. There are some exception classes such as
that cannot be read without importing some module. So, for example, when you think "Hmm, what is Verbose
"and look it up?
Python 3.6.0b2 (default, Oct 25 2016, 09:04:16)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.38)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> help(Verbose)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'Verbose' is not defined
>>> import sre_parse
>>> help(sre_parse.Verbose)
(Help is displayed)
And cause confusion.
We adopted 3.6.2 instead of 3.6.0b2. For reference, the result of 3.7-dev is posted.
should also be considered as a candidate for consideration ", but I deleted it. It's hard to separate Python runtime errors and error handling, so it's best to stop.StopTokenizing`` SubprocessError
"disappearing", but it is more likely that there is a problem with the script used for the investigation. If you are interested, please try it at hand.2020-03-29
The sequel is a separate article.
At the same time, I wrote about the above " StopTokenizing
disappears from the exception list". The point is, "There is no way for parents to know their children because they are not loaded at runtime startup", but it does not seem to disappear from the implementation.
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