How do I represent the data passed in Curl --data-urlencode in Python Requests?

An API is provided by an overseas crowdsourcing site called CloudFlower, and I'm stuck when I try to use it.

Code in question


curl -X POST --data-urlencode "job[title]={some_title}" --data-urlencode "job[instructions]={some_instructions}"{api_key}


Hmm? I know ? Key = {api_key} as a URL query, but what is --data-urlencode?

--data-urlencode data Posts data like any other --data option, except for HTTP URL encoding. (7.18.0 or later) To conform to CGI, the data part starts with name, puts a delimiter, and then continues to specify the content. The format of the data part is as follows: content The content is URL-encoded and then POSTed. Make sure that the content does not contain the characters = or @. It will match one of the formats below! =content The content is URL-encoded and then POSTed. The first character = is not included in the data. name=content The content part is URL-encoded and then POSTed. Note that the name part is already considered URL-encoded. @filename This will make curl load data from the given file (including any newlines), URL-encode that data and pass it on in the POST. The data is read into curl (including line breaks) from the given file, URL-encoded and then POSTed. name@filename The data is read into curl (including line breaks) from the given file, URL-encoded and then POSTed. An equal sign is added to the name part to form the contents of the name = URL-encoded file. Note that the name part is already considered URL-encoded.

Reference site

curl.1 man page

Well, is it an option used when posting data as well as URL parameters? (That is the same as the parameter?) In this case, the pattern of name = content.

... just send it as a parameter normally !!


import requests

def main():
	r ="",params=payload)

if __nama__='__main__':

did it!!

It is doubtful that patterns other than name = content can be safely used> <

Reference site

curl.1 man page Requests HTTP for humans

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