Write data to KINTONE using the Python requests module


  1. Make a container with KINTONE
  2. Send data from Python
  3. I'm happy

KITONE container

This time, I made an app with a field code called "Text1".

Send data from Python

Write the data "abcde".

# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_

import requests

URL = "https://◯◯◯◯.cybozu.com:443" # URL
APP_ID = "APP ID" #kintone app ID
API_TOKEN = "API TOKEN" #kintone API token

class KINTONE:
    def PostToKintone(self, url, appId, apiToken):
        #KINTONE field code: Text1
        record={'Text1':{'value' : 'abcde'}} #Field code and data to write
        data = {'app':appId,'record':record}
        headers = {"X-Cybozu-API-Token": apiToken, "Content-Type" : "application/json"}

        return resp

if __name__ == '__main__':
    resp=knt.PostToKintone(URL, APP_ID, API_TOKEN)

    print resp.text

The output is


I felt happy next to me.

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