First python ② Try to write code while examining the features of python


I will participate in an in-house study session on the theme of "Let's make a Web system in a language that I have never touched". Since I was in charge of python research, this is the second installment to summarize the research. The first half is mainly an excerpt from wikipedia.

What is python

Features of python


Data type


Let's compare

I rewrote my eldest daughter's math problem script that I wrote in Ruby earlier in python. The impression I wrote is as follows. (I haven't done much, so it's not a big impression, but ... I'll add it as needed.)


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
question_num = 10
score = 0
i = 0
while i < question_num do
  val1 = rand(10)
  val2 = rand(10)
  print "(#{i + 1}) "
  case rand(2)
  when 0
    print "#{val1} + #{val2} = "
    correct_ans = val1 + val2
  when 1
    if val1 >= val2
      print "#{val1} - #{val2} = "
      correct_ans = val1 - val2
      print "#{val2} - #{val1} = "
      correct_ans = val2 - val1
  ans = gets.to_i
  if correct_ans == ans
    p "Qinghai wave#{correct_ans}"
    p "You did it! !!"
    score += 1
    p "Qinghai wave#{correct_ans}"
    p "I'm sorry! !!"
  i = i + 1
p "Your tensu#{((score.to_f / question_num.to_f) * 100).to_i}Ten! !!"

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import random

question_num = 10
score = 0
i = 0

while i < question_num:
  val1 = random.randint(0,9)
  val2 = random.randint(0,9)
  operator_flg = random.randint(0,1)

  print("(" + str(i + 1) + ") ", end=&#39;&#39;)

  if operator_flg == 0:
     formula = str(val1) + " + " + str(val2) + " = "
     correct_ans = val1 + val2
  elif operator_flg == 1:
    if val1 >= val2:
      formula = str(val1) + " - " + str(val2) + " = "
      correct_ans = val1 - val2
      formula = str(val2) + " - " + str(val1) + " = "
      correct_ans = val2 - val1

  ans = input(formula)

  if correct_ans == int(ans):
    print("Qinghai wave" + str(correct_ans))
    print("You did it! !!")
    score += 1
    print("Qinghai wave" + str(correct_ans))
    print("I'm sorry! !!")

  i += 1

print("Your tensu" + str(int(float(score) / float(question_num) * 100)) + "Ten! !!")

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