Try to solve the man-machine chart with Python

An attempt to solve a common MM chart problem with python instead of manually.

Theme "State the minimum cycle time and process allocation to workers in the circular process" image.png

--The number of processes and the time required for each process are given in a list.
This time, there are 8 processes, and the time required for each process is [6, 3, 3, 10, 6, 8, 4, 5]. ――The time it takes to move a worker is 1, skip one next to each other 2, 2, otherwise 3 --The number of workers is also variable. This time, there are three.


process_time_lst = [6, 3, 3, 10, 6, 8, 4, 5]
move_cost_lst = [1, 2, 3]
num_of_workers = 3

What I want to know is, "Which process should bears, rabbits, and pigs take charge of?" image.png

First, make a dictionary of process names and their man-hours.


# Input:
[6, 3, 3, 10, 6, 8, 4, 5]
# Output:
{'process0':6, 'process1':3, ... , 'process7':5}


def generate_process_lst(process_time_lst):
    lst = ['process'+str(val) for val in range(len(process_time_lst))]
    return lst

process_lst = generate_process_lst(process_time_lst)
process_time_dict = {process:cost for process, cost in zip(process_lst, process_time_lst)}

Next, we will perform preprocessing for calculation. Insert move, which means move to the next process, between all processes.


# Input
['process0', 'process1', ... , 'process7']
# Output
['process0', 'move', 'process1', 'move', ... , 'move', 'process7']


def generate_process_and_move_lst(process_lst):
    len_lst = len(process_lst) - 1
    process_and_move_lst = process_lst.copy()
    for i in range(len_lst):
        process_and_move_lst.insert(len_lst - i, 'move')
    return process_and_move_lst

process_and_move_lst = generate_process_and_move_lst(process_lst)

Next, create an index list where the list process_and_move_lst is separated.


# Input
['process0', 'move', 'process1', 'move', ... , 'move', 'process7']
# Output
[(0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 3), ... , (11, 13, 14), (12, 13, 14)]


import itertools

def generate_combi_lst(process_and_move_lst, num_of_workers):
    len_lst = len(process_and_move_lst)
    idx_lst = [x for x in range(len_lst)]
    combi_lst = list(itertools.combinations(idx_lst, num_of_workers))
    return combi_lst

combi_lst = generate_combi_lst(process_and_move_lst, num_of_workers)

Using the index list to be carved, a combination of process lists to be assigned to each worker is generated.


# Input
['process0', 'move', 'process1', 'move', ... , 'move', 'process7']
[(0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 3), ... , (11, 13, 14), (12, 13, 14)]
# Output(image)* It is a part of the actual output list because it is difficult to understand what you are doing.
worker0 : ['move', 'process1', 'move']
worker1 : ['process2', 'move', 'process3', 'move', 'process4', 'move', 'process5', 'move', 'process6', 'move']
worker2 : ['process7', 'move', 'process0']


def generate_process_group_lst(process_and_move_lst, combi_lst):
    process_group_lst = []
    for combi in combi_lst:
        if combi[0] != 0:
            tmplst = [process_and_move_lst[0:combi[0]]]
            tmplst = []
        for idx, val in enumerate(combi):
            start = val
            if idx == len(combi) - 1:
                end = len(process_and_move_lst)
                end = combi[idx + 1]
        if combi[0] != 0:
            tmplst[-1] = tmplst[-1] + tmplst[0]
            tmplst = tmplst[1:]
    return process_group_lst

process_group_lst = generate_process_group_lst(process_and_move_lst, combi_lst)

We will calculate the required man-hours for each worker.


# Input(image)* It's hard to understand what you're doing(Abbreviation
worker0 : ['move', 'process1', 'move']
worker1 : ['process2', 'move', 'process3', 'move', 'process4', 'move', 'process5', 'move', 'process6', 'move']
worker2 : ['process7', 'move', 'process0']

# Output(image)
[7, 39, 13] # move:1, process1:3, move:1, return_cost:2 → total 7


def calc_return_cost(process_set, process_time_dict, move_cost_lst):
    tmplst = [val for val in process_set if val in process_time_dict.keys()]
    if len(tmplst) == 0:
        return_cost = move_cost_lst[0]
    elif len(tmplst) == 1:
        if len(process_set) == 2:
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[0]
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[1]
        start_num = int(tmplst[0][-1])
        end_num = int(tmplst[-1][-1])
        if process_set[0] == 'move':
            start_num -= 1
        if process_set[-1] == 'move':
            end_num += 1
        tmp = abs(start_num - end_num)
        distance = min( tmp,  (len(process_time_dict.keys()) - tmp) )
        if distance == 1:
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[0]
        elif distance == 2:
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[1]
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[2]
    return return_cost

def calc_cycleTime(process_group_lst, process_time_dict, move_cost_lst):
    ct_lst = []
    for process_group in process_group_lst:
        ct_tmp_lst = []
        for process_set in process_group:
            ct = 0
            ct += process_set.count('move') * move_cost_lst[0]
            ct += sum([process_time_dict[val] for val in process_set if val in process_time_dict.keys()])
            ct += calc_return_cost(process_set, process_time_dict, move_cost_lst)
    return ct_lst

ct_lst = calc_cycleTime(process_group_lst, process_time_dict, move_cost_lst)

Calculate the cycle time for each process allocation combination for each worker.


# Input
[[8, 2, 47], [8, 5, 44], ... ,[6, 2, 49], [6, 2, 49]]
# Output
[47, 44, ..., 49, 49]


max_ct_lst = [max(lst) for lst in ct_lst]

Calculate which combination has the shortest cycle time and Get the index where the combination exists.


# Input
[47, 44, ..., 49, 49]
# Output
[58, 211]


min_ct = min(max_ct_lst)
min_ct_idx_lst = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(max_ct_lst) if val == min_ct]

Finally, the display of the minimum cycle time and The process allocation to the workers who achieve it is displayed.


# Output
Worker0:['process0', 'move', 'process1', 'move', 'process2', 'move'], time=18s
Worker1:['process3', 'move', 'process4', 'move'], time=20s
Worker2:['process5', 'move', 'process6', 'move', 'process7'], time=21s
Worker0:['process1', 'move', 'process2', 'move', 'process3'], time=20s
Worker1:['move', 'process4', 'move', 'process5', 'move'], time=20s
Worker2:['process6', 'move', 'process7', 'move', 'process0', 'move'], time=21s


for idx in min_ct_idx_lst:
    for worker, process in enumerate(process_group_lst[idx]):
        print(f'Worker{worker}:{process}, time={ct_lst[idx][worker]}s')

When all the codes are connected, it becomes as follows.


import itertools

def generate_process_lst(process_time_lst):
    lst = ['process'+str(val) for val in range(len(process_time_lst))]
    return lst

def generate_process_and_move_lst(process_lst):
    len_lst = len(process_lst) - 1
    process_and_move_lst = process_lst.copy()
    for i in range(len_lst):
        process_and_move_lst.insert(len_lst - i, 'move')
    return process_and_move_lst

def generate_combi_lst(process_and_move_lst, num_of_workers):
    len_lst = len(process_and_move_lst)
    idx_lst = [x for x in range(len_lst)]
    combi_lst = list(itertools.combinations(idx_lst, num_of_workers))
    return combi_lst

def generate_process_group_lst(process_and_move_lst, combi_lst):
    process_group_lst = []
    for combi in combi_lst:
        if combi[0] != 0:
            tmplst = [process_and_move_lst[0:combi[0]]]
            tmplst = []
        for idx, val in enumerate(combi):
            start = val
            if idx == len(combi) - 1:
                end = len(process_and_move_lst)
                end = combi[idx + 1]
        if combi[0] != 0:
            tmplst[-1] = tmplst[-1] + tmplst[0]
            tmplst = tmplst[1:]
    return process_group_lst

def calc_return_cost(process_set, process_time_dict, move_cost_lst):
    tmplst = [val for val in process_set if val in process_time_dict.keys()]
    if len(tmplst) == 0:
        return_cost = move_cost_lst[0]
    elif len(tmplst) == 1:
        if len(process_set) == 2:
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[0]
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[1]
        start_num = int(tmplst[0][-1])
        end_num = int(tmplst[-1][-1])
        if process_set[0] == 'move':
            start_num -= 1
        if process_set[-1] == 'move':
            end_num += 1
        tmp = abs(start_num - end_num)
        distance = min( tmp,  (len(process_time_dict.keys()) - tmp) )
        if distance == 1:
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[0]
        elif distance == 2:
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[1]
            return_cost = move_cost_lst[2]
    return return_cost

def calc_cycleTime(process_group_lst, process_time_dict, move_cost_lst):
    ct_lst = []
    for process_group in process_group_lst:
        ct_tmp_lst = []
        for process_set in process_group:
            ct = 0
            ct += process_set.count('move') * move_cost_lst[0]
            ct += sum([process_time_dict[val] for val in process_set if val in process_time_dict.keys()])
            ct += calc_return_cost(process_set, process_time_dict, move_cost_lst)
    return ct_lst

process_time_lst = [6, 3, 3, 10, 6, 8, 4, 5]
move_cost_lst = [1, 2, 3]
num_of_workers = 3

process_lst = generate_process_lst(process_time_lst)
process_time_dict = {process:cost for process, cost in zip(process_lst, process_time_lst)}
process_and_move_lst = generate_process_and_move_lst(process_lst)
combi_lst = generate_combi_lst(process_and_move_lst, num_of_workers)
process_group_lst = generate_process_group_lst(process_and_move_lst, combi_lst)
ct_lst = calc_cycleTime(process_group_lst, process_time_dict, move_cost_lst)
max_ct_lst = [max(lst) for lst in ct_lst]
min_ct = min(max_ct_lst)
min_ct_idx_lst = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(max_ct_lst) if val == min_ct]

for idx in min_ct_idx_lst:
    for worker, process in enumerate(process_group_lst[idx]):
        print(f'Worker{worker}:{process}, time={ct_lst[idx][worker]}s')

So far, I tried to solve the man-machine chart using python.

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