I wanted to solve ABC160 with Python


I could only solve A and B. It was easy.

A problem


** Thoughts ** If index is specified

s = str(input())
if s[2] == s[3]:
    if s[4] == s[5]:

B problem


** Thoughts ** Divide X by 500 and divide the remainder by 5 in the same way.

x = int(input())
a = x // 500
b = (x % 500) // 5
ans = (1000*a+5*b)

C problem


** Thoughts ** The distance should be such that the difference between the elements next to K --A is minimized. It took me more than an hour to notice this, and I had enough time to implement it.


Thank you for everything. You should not force yourself into the contest when you are tired. good night.

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