It's more recent, but I wanted to do BMI calculation with python.

It's more recent, but I wanted to do BMI calculation with python. As a personal hobby. It's just a personal note.

With two python files

# coding: UTF-8
#Since the environment is Mac OS, UTF for Japanese support-8 
#BMI code 
#The name is

def bmi(weight, height):
    bmi_data = []
    w = weight
    h = height
    bmi = w/(h*h)
    bmi = round(bmi, 1)
    if bmi<18.5:
        ans = "It is a thin type"
    elif bmi>=18.5 and bmi<25:
        ans = "Standard"
        ans = "I'm obese"
    return bmi_data

The second is

# coding: UTF-8
# BMI health_check main
import health_check
weight  = float(input('Please enter your weight(kg): '))
height0 = float(input('Please enter your height(cm): '))
height = height0/100
bj = health_check.bmi(weight, height)
print("----" * 10)
print("Your BMI: " + str(bj[0]) + '\n your body shape: ' + bj[1])

Execution is as follows with the bash command of the Mac OS terminal.

$ python
Please enter your weight(kg): 55
Please enter your height(cm): 160
Your BMI: 21.5
Your body shape:Standard

that's all.

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