How much do you know the basics of Python?


Have your year entered as a Prameter --Return "drink toddy" if you are under 14 years old --Return "drink coke" if you are under 18 years old --Return "drink beer" if you are under 21 --Return "drink whiskey" if you are 21 years old or older Let's write the people_with_age_drink (age) function.

However, you must pass the following Unit Test.

people_with_age_drink(13) == "drink toddy"
people_with_age_drink(17) == "drink coke"
people_with_age_drink(18) == "drink beer"
people_with_age_drink(20) == "drink beer"
people_with_age_drink(30) == "drink whisky"


"There's more than one way to do it" isn't just Perl. All the following answers are correct

def people_with_age_drink(age):
    if age<14 :
        return "drink toddy"
    elif age >= 14 and age < 18 :
        return "drink coke"
    elif age >= 18 and age < 21 :
        return "drink beer"
        return 'drink whisky'
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    if age < 14:
        return 'drink toddy'
    elif age >= 14 and age < 18:
        return 'drink coke'
    elif age >= 18 and age < 21:
        return 'drink beer'
        return 'drink whisky'
    return 'ERROR....WRONG INPUT'
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    return 'drink ' + next(d for a, d in [
        (21, 'whisky'), (18, 'beer'), (14, 'coke'), (0, 'toddy')
        ] if age >= a)
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    if 14 > age >= 0:
        return "drink toddy"
    if age < 18:
        return "drink coke"
    if age < 21:
        return "drink beer"
    return "drink whisky"    
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    if age<=13:    
    elif age> 13 and age<=17:
    elif age<=20:
    return "drink " + drink
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    if (age < 14):
        return "drink toddy"
    if (age < 18):
        return "drink coke"
    if (age < 21):
        return "drink beer"
    if (age > 20):
        return "drink whisky"
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    if age > 20: return 'drink whisky'
    if age > 17: return 'drink beer'
    if age > 13: return 'drink coke'
    return 'drink toddy'
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    for a in [[21,'whisky'],[18,'beer'],[14,'coke'],[0,'toddy']]:
        if age >= a[0]:
            return "drink {0}".format(a[1])
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    table = { 13: "drink toddy", 17: "drink coke", 20: "drink beer", 200: "drink whisky" }
    vec = sorted(list(table.keys()))
    for key in vec:
        if age <= key:
            return table[key]
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    if age < 14: this = 'toddy'
    elif age < 18: this = 'coke'
    elif age < 21: this = 'beer'
    else: this = 'whisky'
    return 'drink {}'.format(this)
 def people_with_age_drink(age):
    drink = "toddy" if age < 14 else "coke" if age < 18 else "beer" if age < 21 else "whisky"
    return "drink " + drink
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    return "drink toddy" if age<14 else "drink coke" if age<18 else "drink beer" if age<21 else "drink whisky"
age_with_drink = {0: 'toddy', 14: 'coke', 18: 'beer', 21: 'whisky'}
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    return 'drink ' + next(age_with_drink[a] for a in sorted(age_with_drink, reverse=True) if age >= a)
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    bounds = [14,18,21,age+1]
    drinks = ["toddy","coke","beer","whisky"]
    for x in range(len(bounds)): 
        if age < bounds[x]: return "drink " + drinks[x]
drinks = [
    ("whisky", 21),
    ("beer", 18),
    ("coke", 14),
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    return "drink " + next((drink for drink, age_limit in drinks if age >= age_limit), "toddy")
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    for (lim, drink) in [(14,"toddy"), (18, "coke"), (21, "beer"), (float('inf'), "whisky")]:
        if age < lim:
            return "drink " + drink
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    res = "drink whisky"
    drinks = (
        (14, "drink toddy"),
        (18, "drink coke"),
        (21, "drink beer"),
    for a in drinks:
        if age < a[0]:
            res = a[1]
    return res
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    return 'drink ' + ('toddy' if age < 14 else 'coke' if age < 18 else 'beer' if age < 21 else 'whisky')
def people_with_age_drink(age):
   return 'drink '+['toddy', 'coke', 'beer', 'whisky'][(age/3>5)+(age/7>1)+(age/7>2)]
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    predMessage = [(age < 14, "toddy"), (age < 18,"coke"),
                   (age < 21, "beer"), (age >= 21, "whisky")]
    for filt,message in predMessage:
        if filt:
            return "drink " + message
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    return "drink {}".format("toddy" if age < 14 else
                             "coke"  if age < 18 else
                             "beer"  if age < 21 else
import sys
def people_with_age_drink(age):
    drink = (( 0, 13, 'toddy'),
             (14, 17, 'coke'),
             (18, 20, 'beer'),
             (21, sys.maxint, 'whisky'))
    return 'drink ' + filter(lambda d: d[0] <= age <= d[1], drink)[0][2]
people_with_age_drink = lambda old: "drink " + ((("whisky", "beer")[old < 21], "coke")[old < 18], "toddy")[old < 14]
people_with_age_drink = lambda age: 'drink ' + ('toddy' if age < 14 else 
                                                'coke'  if age < 18 else
                                                'beer'  if age < 21 else

There are likely to be many answers to the FizzBuzz question. It's often said that Python is "similar code no matter who writes it," but I don't think so.

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