What beginners learned from the basics of variables in python

It's my first time to write something like an article, so it may be difficult to see or understand, but please understand that I will continue to devote myself.

What I learned from the basics of variables in python

Data type declaration

Unlike java, variables can be defined with num = 1`` str =" aaa " instead of int num = 1 or String str =" aaa "

data = 1 data ="aaa" print(data)

Even if you put a character string after putting an integer like the above in a variable, it works without problems. Do I need to be careful when handling data as it seems to work somehow if I'm not careful? ??

How to check the type

There is a type () function in the way to check the type of data

num = 1 num2 = 1.5 str ="aaa" listData = [0,1,2] print(type(num)) print(type(num2)) print(type(str)) print(type(listData)) #=> <class 'int'> #=> <class 'float'> #=> <class 'str'>
#=> <class 'list'>

Addendum: I would like to investigate both java and python on my own, including the content that you commented on the detailed content of the data type.

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