[python] Get the list of classes defined in the module

inspect.getmembers(object[, typecheck])

First from the conclusion


class foo1:
    '''something code'''

class foo2:
    '''something code'''

class foo3:
    '''something code'''


import foo 
import inspect

classes = map(lambda x:x[0],inspect.getmembers(foo,inspect.isclass))

print classes
# => ['foo1','foo2','foo3']

ʻInspect.getmembers (object) gets all the members of the object registered in ʻobject. The format is [(member1, type), (member2, type), ....]. ʻInspect.is--determines if the object matches--` It seems that there are 16 classes, modules, functions, method ..... For more information, click here (http://docs.python.jp/2/library/inspect.html "inspect").

Therefore, ʻinspect.getmembers (foo, inspect.isclass)` should have been like this.


print inspect.getmembers(foo,inspect.isclass)
# => [('foo1',<class foo.foo1 at 0x*******>),('foo1',<class foo.foo2 at 0x*******>),('foo3',<class foo.foo3 at 0x*******>)]

After that, you only have to extract the 0th element of each element. map(lambda x:x[0], list) That's it.

Since the first element is the class itself, you can also get the class object itself. For example, suppose you search key for a part of the class name and get a matching class object.


import foo 
import inspect

classes = inspect.getmembers(foo,inspect.isclass)

for i in classes:
    if '2' in i[0]:
        something2 = i[1]

something2class = something2()
print something2class.__class__.__name__
# => foo2

However, in this case, if you do not find it, you will probably get an error.

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