How to get a list of built-in exceptions in python

Step 1: Create a python file that looks like this:

from __future__ import print_function
import platform

def classtree(cls, depth=0):
    if depth == 0:
        prefix = ''
        prefix = '.' * (depth * 3) + ' '
    if cls.__name__.lower() == 'error':
        print('{0}{1} ({2})'.format(prefix, cls.__name__, cls))
        print('{0}{1}'.format(prefix, cls.__name__))
    for subcls in sorted(cls.__subclasses__(), key=lambda c: c.__name__):
        classtree(subcls, depth+1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Python Version: {0}'.format(platform.python_version()))

Step 2: After creating the above python file, enter the following code at the command prompt.


Step 3: You can get a list of python built-in exceptions as follows:

Python Version: 3.7.4

... Exception
...... ArithmeticError
......... FloatingPointError
......... OverflowError
......... ZeroDivisionError
...... AssertionError
...... AttributeError
...... BufferError
...... EOFError
...... Error (<class 'locale.Error'>)
...... ImportError
......... ModuleNotFoundError
......... ZipImportError
...... LookupError
......... CodecRegistryError
......... IndexError
......... KeyError
...... MemoryError
...... NameError
......... UnboundLocalError
...... OSError
......... BlockingIOError
......... ChildProcessError
......... ConnectionError
............ BrokenPipeError
............ ConnectionAbortedError
............ ConnectionRefusedError
............ ConnectionResetError
......... FileExistsError
......... FileNotFoundError
......... InterruptedError
......... IsADirectoryError
......... NotADirectoryError
......... PermissionError
......... ProcessLookupError
......... TimeoutError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... ReferenceError
...... RuntimeError
......... BrokenBarrierError
......... NotImplementedError
......... RecursionError
......... _DeadlockError
...... StopAsyncIteration
...... StopIteration
...... StopTokenizing
...... SubprocessError
......... CalledProcessError
......... TimeoutExpired
...... SyntaxError
......... IndentationError
............ TabError
...... SystemError
......... CodecRegistryError
...... TokenError
...... TypeError
...... ValueError
......... UnicodeError
............ UnicodeDecodeError
............ UnicodeEncodeError
............ UnicodeTranslateError
......... UnsupportedOperation
...... Verbose
...... Warning
......... BytesWarning
......... DeprecationWarning
......... FutureWarning
......... ImportWarning
......... PendingDeprecationWarning
......... ResourceWarning
......... RuntimeWarning
......... SyntaxWarning
......... UnicodeWarning
......... UserWarning
...... _OptionError
...... error (<class 're.error'>)
... GeneratorExit
... KeyboardInterrupt
... SystemExit

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