[PYTHON] How to get the vertex coordinates of a feature in ArcPy

Get the vertices of each polygon in the polygon feature layer

Data structure of polygon feature layer

--Layer class (arcpy._mp.Layer) SHAPE @ ┐ --Polygon class (arcpy.arcobjects.geometries.Polygon) getPart () ┐ --Array class (arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Array) getObject (0) ┐ --Array class (arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Array) getObject (i) ┐ --Point class (arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point)

Python code


import arcpy

#Check input parameters
arcpy.AddMessage("GetArgumentCount() = {0}".format(arcpy.GetArgumentCount()))
for i in range(arcpy.GetArgumentCount()):
    param = arcpy.GetParameter(i)
    paramText = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(i)
    arcpy.AddMessage("GetParameter({0}) = {1}".format(i, param))
    arcpy.AddMessage("GetParameter({0}).__class__ = {1}".format(i, param.__class__))
    arcpy.AddMessage("GetParameter({0}).__class__.__name__ = {1}".format(i, param.__class__.__name__))
    arcpy.AddMessage("GetParameterAsText({0}) = {1}".format(i, paramText))

inFeatureLayer = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

#Check the contents of the feature layer
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFeatureLayer, ["OID@", "SHAPE@"]) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        oid = row[0]
        shape = row[1]

        # oid
        arcpy.AddMessage("-- oid = OID@ --")
        arcpy.AddMessage("OID@ = {0}".format(oid))
        arcpy.AddMessage("OID@.__class__ = {0}".format(oid.__class__))
        arcpy.AddMessage("OID@.__class__.__name__ = {0}".format(oid.__class__.__name__))

        # shape
        arcpy.AddMessage("-- shape = SHAPE@ --")
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape = {0}".format(shape))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.__class__ = {0}".format(shape.__class__))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.__class__.__name__ = {0}".format(shape.__class__.__name__))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.partCount = {0}".format(shape.partCount))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.pointCount = {0}".format(shape.pointCount))

        # shape.getPart()
        arcpy.AddMessage("-- shape.getPart() --")
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.getPart() = {0}".format(shape.getPart()))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.getPart().__class__ = {0}".format(shape.getPart().__class__))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.getPart().__class__.__name__ = {0}".format(shape.getPart().__class__.__name__))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.getPart().count = {0}".format(shape.getPart().count))

        # shape.getPart().getObject(0)
        arcpy.AddMessage("-- shape.getPart().getObject(0) --")
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.getPart().getObject(0) = {0}".format(shape.getPart().getObject(0)))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.getPart().getObject(0).__class__ = {0}".format(shape.getPart().getObject(0).__class__))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.getPart().getObject(0).__class__.__name__ = {0}".format(shape.getPart().getObject(0).__class__.__name__))
        arcpy.AddMessage("shape.getPart().getObject(0).count = {0}".format(shape.getPart().getObject(0).count))

        # shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(i)
        for i in range(shape.getPart().getObject(0).count):
            point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(i)
            arcpy.AddMessage("-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject({0}) --".format(i))
            arcpy.AddMessage("point = {0}".format(point))
            arcpy.AddMessage("point.__class__ = {0}".format(point.__class__))
            arcpy.AddMessage("point.__class__.__name__ = {0}".format(point.__class__.__name__))
del cursor

Execution result

When executed as input with a feature layer containing two polygons.


GetArgumentCount() = 1
GetParameter(0) =Test polygon
GetParameter(0).__class__ = <class 'arcpy._mp.Layer'>
GetParameter(0).__class__.__name__ = Layer
GetParameterAsText(0) =Test polygon
-- oid = OID@ --
OID@ = 1
OID@.__class__ = <class 'int'>
OID@.__class__.__name__ = int
-- shape = SHAPE@ --
shape = <geoprocessing describe geometry object object at 0x0000017A10D30EE0>
shape.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.geometries.Polygon'>
shape.__class__.__name__ = Polygon
shape.partCount = 1
shape.pointCount = 5
-- shape.getPart() --
shape.getPart() = <geoprocessing array object object at 0x0000017A1020A450>
shape.getPart().__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Array'>
shape.getPart().__class__.__name__ = Array
shape.getPart().count = 1
-- shape.getPart().getObject(0) --
shape.getPart().getObject(0) = <geoprocessing array object object at 0x0000017A1020A970>
shape.getPart().getObject(0).__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Array'>
shape.getPart().getObject(0).__class__.__name__ = Array
shape.getPart().getObject(0).count = 5
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(0) --
point = 132.084696427 31.297648687 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(1) --
point = 135.36789933 32.2200581310001 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(2) --
point = 136.569792838 29.41042809 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(3) --
point = 133.286589935 28.4353141970001 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(4) --
point = 132.084696427 31.297648687 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- oid = OID@ --
OID@ = 2
OID@.__class__ = <class 'int'>
OID@.__class__.__name__ = int
-- shape = SHAPE@ --
shape = <geoprocessing describe geometry object object at 0x0000017A10D308C8>
shape.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.geometries.Polygon'>
shape.__class__.__name__ = Polygon
shape.partCount = 1
shape.pointCount = 5
-- shape.getPart() --
shape.getPart() = <geoprocessing array object object at 0x0000017A1020AA50>
shape.getPart().__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Array'>
shape.getPart().__class__.__name__ = Array
shape.getPart().count = 1
-- shape.getPart().getObject(0) --
shape.getPart().getObject(0) = <geoprocessing array object object at 0x0000017A10F19CB0>
shape.getPart().getObject(0).__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Array'>
shape.getPart().getObject(0).__class__.__name__ = Array
shape.getPart().getObject(0).count = 5
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(0) --
point = 146.643152231 39.990418811 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(1) --
point = 145.658068329 37.1688505340001 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(2) --
point = 142.19148511 38.2163059420001 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(3) --
point = 143.176569012 40.99087202 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point
-- point = shape.getPart().getObject(0).getObject(4) --
point = 146.643152231 39.990418811 0 NaN
point.__class__ = <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Point'>
point.__class__.__name__ = Point



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