[PYTHON] How to display the regional mesh of the official statistics window (eStat) in a web browser


Regional mesh statistics divide the area into mesh areas without gaps based on latitude and longitude, and organize the statistical data into each area.


demo: http://needtec.sakura.ne.jp/estat/population http://needtec.sakura.ne.jp/tokuraku/passenger.html

The information on which this data is based is obtained from the Official Statistics Office (estat). I used to draw with matplotlib in Python, but now I can display it in a browser.

** Let's use the API of the official statistics counter (e-Stat) ** http://qiita.com/mima_ita/items/44f358dc1bc4000d365d

Please refer to the following for details on how to obtain the regional mesh. http://www.stat.go.jp/data/mesh/pdf/gaiyo1.pdf

Flow until data drawing

It is too late to contact the official statistics counter every time you draw, so the procedure up to data drawing is divided as follows.

  1. Obtain regional mesh information associated with a certain statistic from the official statistics window
  2. Record on spatialite
  3. Make the web server return mesh information in geojson format upon request.
  4. On the screen side, color only the necessary area based on the geojson obtained by requesting the Web server.

Perform these steps in Python on the server side and JavaScript on the client side.

The actual code can be obtained from the following. https://github.com/mima3/estat

Please refer to the following for the explanation of spatialite. ** Try using SpatiaLite to store spatial information such as maps in SQLite ** http://qiita.com/mima_ita/items/64f6c2b8bb47c4b5b391

Creating a database to store regional meshes

The implementation of the database that stores the statistics introduced here is the following code. https://github.com/mima3/estat/blob/master/estat_db.py

Table structure

The table for storing the estat regional mesh is as follows.


** Table name: Stat ** A table that stores information about statistics

Column name Mold Description
stat_id TextField Primary key. Statistics ID
stat_name TextField Government statistics name
stat_name_code TextField Government statistics name code
gov_org TextField Name of creator
gov_org_code TextField Creation institution name code
survey_date TextField Survey date
title TextField Statistical table title

** Table name: StatValue ** Store the value of each statistic

Column name Mold Description
id PrimaryKeyField Auto-incrementing ID
stat_id TextField Statistics ID
value TextField Statistics value

** Table name: StatValueAttr ** Stores the attribute value associated with the value of each statistic

Column name Mold Description
id PrimaryKeyField Auto-incrementing ID
stat_id TextField Statistics ID
stat_value_id INT Foreign key for StatValue id
attr_name TextField Attribute name
attr_value TextField Attribute value

** Table name: MapArea ** Store Polygon in attribute area

Column name Mold Description
id PrimaryKeyField Auto-incrementing ID
stat_id TextField Statistics ID
stat_val_attr_id INT ID of StatValueAttr
geometry Polygon Geometry information

How to create a table in Python

The actual code when creating with peewee in python is as follows.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from peewee import *
from playhouse.sqlite_ext import SqliteExtDatabase
from estat_go_jp import *
import jpgrid

database_proxy = Proxy()  # Create a proxy for our db.

SRID = 4326

class PolygonField(Field):
    db_field = 'polygon'

class PointField(Field):
    db_field = 'point'

class LineStringField(Field):
    db_field = 'linestring'

class MultiPolygonField(Field):
    db_field = 'multipolygon'

class MultiPointField(Field):
    db_field = 'multipoint'

class MultiLineStringField(Field):
    db_field = 'multilinestring'

class Stat(Model):
Model for storing statistics
    stat_id = TextField(primary_key=True)
    stat_name = TextField()
    stat_name_code = TextField()
    gov_org = TextField()
    gov_org_code = TextField()
    #statistics_name = TextField()
    #cycle = TextField()
    survey_date = TextField()
    #open_date = TextField()
    #small_area = TextField()
    title = TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = database_proxy

class StatValue(Model):
A model for storing statistical values
    id = PrimaryKeyField()
    stat_id = TextField(index=True, unique=False)
    value = TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = database_proxy

class StatValueAttr(Model):
Model for storing statistical attribute values
    id = PrimaryKeyField()
    stat_id = TextField()
    stat_value = ForeignKeyField(
    attr_name = TextField()
    attr_value = TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = database_proxy
        indexes = (
            (('stat_id', 'stat_value'), False),
            (('stat_id', 'stat_value', 'attr_name'), False),

class MapArea(Model):
Model to store Polygon in the attribute value area of statistics
    id = PrimaryKeyField()
    stat_id = TextField()
    stat_val_attr = ForeignKeyField(
    geometry = PolygonField()

    class Meta:
        database = database_proxy
        indexes = (
            (('stat_id', 'stat_val_attr'), True),

class idx_MapArea_Geometry(Model):
    pkid = PrimaryKeyField()
    xmin = FloatField()
    xmax = FloatField()
    ymin = FloatField()
    ymax = FloatField()

    class Meta:
        database = database_proxy

def connect(path, spatialite_path, evn_sep=';'):
Connect to database
    @param path sqlite path
    @param spatialite_path mod_Path to spatialite
    @param env_sep Environment variable PATH connection character WINDOWS;LINUX:
    os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"] + evn_sep + os.path.dirname(spatialite_path)
    db = SqliteExtDatabase(path)
    db.field_overrides = {
        'polygon': 'POLYGON',
        'point': 'POINT',
        'linestring': 'LINESTRING',
        'multipolygon': 'MULTIPOLYGON',
        'multipoint': 'MULTIPOINT',
        'multilinestring': 'MULTILINESTRING',

def setup(path, spatialite_path, evn_sep=';'):
Creating a database
    @param path sqlite path
    @param spatialite_path mod_Path to spatialite
    @param env_sep Environment variable PATH connection character WINDOWS;LINUX:
    connect(path, spatialite_path, evn_sep)

    database_proxy.create_tables([Stat, StatValue, StatValueAttr], True)
    database_proxy.get_conn().execute('SELECT InitSpatialMetaData()')

    #Geometry table needs to be implemented directly.
          "stat_id" TEXT,
          "stat_val_attr_id" INTEGER ,
          FOREIGN KEY(stat_val_attr_id) REFERENCES StatValueAttr(id));

        CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "ix_MapArea_stat_id" ON MapArea(stat_id);

        CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "ix_MapArea_stat_id_stat_val_attr_id" ON MapArea(stat_id, stat_val_attr_id);

        Select AddGeometryColumn ("MapArea", "Geometry", ?, "POLYGON", 2);
    """, (SRID,))

        SELECT CreateSpatialIndex("MapArea", "geometry")

I am creating a table with the setup function. If you don't include geometry, peewee will generate a table with the following code.

database_proxy.create_tables([Stat, StatValue, StatValueAttr], True)

But if you want to include a column of geometry, you have to implement it yourself, like this:

    #Geometry table needs to be implemented directly.
          "stat_id" TEXT,
          "stat_val_attr_id" INTEGER ,
          FOREIGN KEY(stat_val_attr_id) REFERENCES StatValueAttr(id));

        CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "ix_MapArea_stat_id" ON MapArea(stat_id);

        CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "ix_MapArea_stat_id_stat_val_attr_id" ON MapArea(stat_id, stat_val_attr_id);

        Select AddGeometryColumn ("MapArea", "Geometry", ?, "POLYGON", 2);
    """, (SRID,))

        SELECT CreateSpatialIndex("MapArea", "geometry")

In this code, after creating a table containing columns other than geometry, add a column of geometry with "AddGeometryColumn" and index it with "Create SpatialIndex".

The index created for the geometry is a virtual table and cannot be used by Peewee. When using the index, you need to write the SQL yourself.

How to import stats into a database in Python

In the eStat region mesh, one statistic is divided for each primary mesh and has a statistic ID. For example, the following statistical IDs can be obtained from the statistical information of "2010 Census-World Geodetic System (1KM mesh) 20101001".

・ T000608M3622 ・ T000608M3623 ・ T000608M3624 ・ T000608M3653 Abbreviation

This ID is created from "T000608" and the primary mesh code.

In other words, the following steps are required to obtain regional mesh statistics.

  1. Get all the relevant statistics with the getStatsList API of eStat.
  2. Get the value for each statistic ID with the getStatsData API of eStat.
  3. When storing in DB, find the range of longitude and latitude from the mesh code and store it as Polygon.
  4. Repeat 2-3 for all stat IDs

Get all the relevant statistics by getStatesList API

The function to execute the getStatesList API to get all the statistical IDs related to "2010 Census-World Geodetic System (1KM Mesh) 20101001" is implemented as follows.

Reference source: https://github.com/mima3/estat/blob/master/estat_go_jp.py


def get_stats_list(api_key, search_kind, key_word):
Search for statistics
    @param api_key API key
    @param search_kind Statistics type
    @param key_word search key
    key_word = urllib.quote(key_word.encode('utf-8'))
    url = ('http://api.e-stat.go.jp/rest/1.0/app/getStatsList?appId=%s&lang=J&searchKind=%s&searchWord=%s' % (api_key, search_kind, key_word))
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
    conn = opener.open(req)
    cont = conn.read()
    parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True)
    root = etree.fromstring(cont, parser)
    ret = []
    data_list = root.find('DATALIST_INF')
    list_infs = data_list.xpath('.//LIST_INF')
    for list_inf in list_infs:
        item = {
            'id': trim_data(list_inf.get('id'))
        stat_name = list_inf.find('STAT_NAME')
        if stat_name is not None:
            item['stat_name'] = trim_data(stat_name.text)
            item['stat_name_code'] = trim_data(stat_name.get('code'))

        gov_org = list_inf.find('GOV_ORG')
        if gov_org is not None:
            item['gov_org'] = trim_data(gov_org.text)
            item['gov_org_code'] = trim_data(gov_org.get('code'))

        statistics_name = list_inf.find('STATISTICS_NAME')
        if statistics_name is not None:
            item['statistics_name'] = trim_data(statistics_name.text)

        title = list_inf.find('TITLE')
        if title is not None:
            item['title'] = trim_data(title.text)

        cycle = list_inf.find('CYCLE')
        if cycle is not None:
            item['cycle'] = cycle.text

        survey_date = list_inf.find('SURVEY_DATE')
        if survey_date is not None:
            item['survey_date'] = trim_data(survey_date.text)

        open_date = list_inf.find('OPEN_DATE')
        if open_date is not None:
            item['open_date'] = trim_data(open_date.text)

        small_area = list_inf.find('SMALL_AREA')
        if small_area is not None:
            item['small_area'] = trim_data(small_area.text)

    return ret

Basically, the contents acquired by urllib2 are parsed by lxml and stored in the directory.

Get the value for each statistic ID with getStatsData API.

To get the value for each stats ID, execute the following get_stats_id_value ().

Reference source: https://github.com/mima3/estat/blob/master/estat_go_jp.py


def get_meta_data(api_key, stats_data_id):
Get meta information
    url = ('http://api.e-stat.go.jp/rest/1.0/app/getMetaInfo?appId=%s&lang=J&statsDataId=%s' % (api_key, stats_data_id))
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
    conn = opener.open(req)
    cont = conn.read()
    parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True)
    root = etree.fromstring(cont, parser)
    class_object_tags = root.xpath('//METADATA_INF/CLASS_INF/CLASS_OBJ')
    class_object = {}

    for class_object_tag in class_object_tags:
        class_object_id = class_object_tag.get('id')
        class_object_name = class_object_tag.get('name')
        class_object_item = {
            'id': trim_data(class_object_id),
            'name': trim_data(class_object_name),
            'objects': {}
        class_tags = class_object_tag.xpath('.//CLASS')
        for class_tag in class_tags:
            class_item = {
                'code': trim_data(class_tag.get('code')),
                'name': trim_data(class_tag.get('name')),
                'level': trim_data(class_tag.get('level')),
                'unit': trim_data(class_tag.get('unit'))
            class_object_item['objects'][class_item['code']] = class_item
        class_object[class_object_id] = class_object_item
    return class_object

def _get_stats_id_value(api_key, stats_data_id, class_object, start_position, filter_str):
Get statistics
    url = ('http://api.e-stat.go.jp/rest/1.0/app/getStatsData?limit=10000&appId=%s&lang=J&statsDataId=%s&metaGetFlg=N&cntGetFlg=N%s' % (api_key, stats_data_id, filter_str))
    if start_position > 0:
        url = url + ('&startPosition=%d' % start_position)
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
    conn = opener.open(req)
    cont = conn.read()
    parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True)
    root = etree.fromstring(cont, parser)
    ret = []
    row = {}
    datas = {}
    value_tags = root.xpath('//STATISTICAL_DATA/DATA_INF/VALUE')
    for value_tag in value_tags:
        row = {}
        for key in class_object:
            val = value_tag.get(key)
            if val in class_object[key]['objects']:
                text = class_object[key]['objects'][val]['name']
                row[key] = trim_data(text.encode('utf-8'))
                row[key] = val.encode('utf-8')
        row['value'] = trim_data(value_tag.text)
    return ret

def get_stats_id_value(api_key, stats_data_id, filter):
Get statistics
    @param api_key API key
    @param stats_data_id statistical table ID
    @param filter_str filter character
    filter_str = ''
    for key in filter:
        filter_str += ('&%s=%s' % (key, urllib.quote(filter[key].encode('utf-8'))))
    class_object = get_meta_data(api_key, stats_data_id)
    return _get_stats_id_value(api_key, stats_data_id, class_object, 1, filter_str), class_object

You can search for get_stats_id_value with a filter, but this time we will get everything without a filter, so please do not consider that.

The procedure is to get the meta information of the statistics by get_meta_data. This will find out what attributes the statistic has.

Then use _get_stats_id_value () to get the stats and their attributes.

When storing in DB, find the range of longitude and latitude from the mesh code and store it as Polygon

Unfortunately, there is no longitude / latitude information in the data obtained from eStat. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the longitude and latitude from the mesh code. For Python, it's easier to use the following libraries.

python-geohash https://code.google.com/p/python-geohash/

This library can be installed with easy_install etc. as shown below.

easy_install python-geohash

To use it, just specify the mesh code, and the range of the corresponding mesh code will be displayed in longitude and latitude.

import jpgrid
jpgrid.bbox('305463') #Specify the mesh code →{'s': 154.375, 'e': 20.583333333333332, 'w': 20.5, 'n': 154.5}

Using these, the code to store regional mesh statistics in the database looks like this:

Reference source: https://github.com/mima3/estat/blob/master/estat_db.py


def import_stat(api_key, stat_id):
Import statistics
    @param api_key e-stat API KEY
    @param stat_id statistic ID
    with database_proxy.transaction():
        MapArea.delete().filter(MapArea.stat_id == stat_id).execute()
        StatValueAttr.delete().filter(StatValueAttr.stat_id == stat_id).execute()
        StatValue.delete().filter(StatValue.stat_id == stat_id).execute()
        Stat.delete().filter(Stat.stat_id == stat_id).execute()

        tableinf = get_table_inf(api_key, stat_id)
        stat_row = Stat.create(
        values, class_object = get_stats_id_value(api_key, stat_id, {})
        for vdata in values:
            if not 'value' in vdata:
            value_row = StatValue.create(
            for k, v in vdata.items():
                stat_val_attr = StatValueAttr.create(
                if k == 'area':
                    #Mesh code
                    meshbox = jpgrid.bbox(v)
                        'INSERT INTO MapArea(stat_id, stat_val_attr_id, geometry) VALUES(?,?,BuildMBR(?,?,?,?,?))',
                        (stat_id, stat_val_attr.id, meshbox['s'], meshbox['e'], meshbox['n'], meshbox['w'], SRID)

If the attribute name is area, the geometry information is stored in MapArea as a region mesh. When using R-Index, it is difficult to operate with Peewee's ORM, so the SQL statement is written directly here.

Script for import

The script for import using the above is as follows.


To use it, specify API_KEY, statistic title, path to mod_spatialite.dll, and path to DB.

python import_estat.py API_KEY 2 2010 Census-World Geodetic System(1KM mesh)20101001  C:\tool\spatialite\mod_spatialite-4.2.0-win-x86\mod_spatialite.dll estat.sqlite

This script deals with the character code in cp932 for Windows, so please modify it according to your terminal.

Returns regional mesh information as GeoJSON on the web server

Next, I will explain how to return the region mesh of the specified range as GeoJSON on the Web server. I'm using bottle here, but I think it's okay to use your favorite web framework around here, and it may not be necessary to use a web framework.

Bottle: Python Web Framework http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/index.html

First, specify the range and write the code to get the corresponding area mesh from the DB.


def get_mesh_stat(stat_id_start_str, attr_value, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
Get regional mesh stats
    @param stat_id_start_str Statistics ID start character Get all IDs starting with this character.
    @param attr_Value to narrow down in value cat01
    @param xmin acquisition range
    @param ymin acquisition range
    @param xmax acquisition range
    @param ymax Acquisition range
    rows = database_proxy.get_conn().execute("""
          inner join idx_MapArea_Geometry ON pkid = MapArea.id AND xmin > ? AND ymin > ? AND xmax < ? AND ymax < ?
          inner join statValueAttr ON MapArea.stat_val_attr_id = statValueAttr.id
          inner join statValueAttr AS b ON b.stat_value_id = statValueAttr.stat_value_id AND b.attr_value = ?
          inner join statValue ON statValue.id = b.stat_value_id
          MapArea.stat_id like ?;
    """, (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, attr_value, stat_id_start_str + '%'))
    ret = []
    for r in rows:
            'value': r[0],
            'geometory': r[1]
    return ret

Geometry is converted to GeoJSON with AsGeoJson (MapArea.Geometry) to treat it as GeoJSON. Combine this and return it to the client as a single GeoJSON as shown below.

Reference source: https://github.com/mima3/estat/blob/master/application.py


def getPopulation():
    stat_id = request.query.stat_id
    swlat = request.query.swlat
    swlng = request.query.swlng
    nelat = request.query.nelat
    nelng = request.query.nelng
    attrval = request.query.attr_value

    ret = estat_db.get_mesh_stat(stat_id, attrval, swlng, swlat, nelng, nelat)
    res = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': []}
    for r in ret:
        item = {
            'type': 'Feature',
            'geometry': json.loads(r['geometory']),
            'properties': {'value': r['value']}
    response.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
    return json.dumps(res)

This will allow you to handle requests such as:



{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[139.5374999999999, 35.6], [139.5499999999999, 35.6], [139.5499999999999, 35.60833333333333], [139.5374999999999, 35.60833333333333], [139.5374999999999, 35.6]]]},Abbreviation

Example of drawing a regional mesh using Google Map

Here, we will describe an example of drawing a regional mesh using Google Map.


demo: http://needtec.sakura.ne.jp/estat/population

By using addGeoJSON in GoogleMap, you can draw any GeoJSON on GoogleMAP.


          features  = map.data.addGeoJson(result);
          var max = 0;
          for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
            if (max < features[i].getProperty('value')) {
              max = features[i].getProperty('value');

At this time, you can specify the GeoJSON style with setStyle. In this example, the color density is changed according to the property value.


      var styleFeature = function(max) {
        var colorScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, max]).range(["#CCFFCC", "red"]);
        return function(feature) {
          return {
            strokeWeight : 1,
            fillColor: colorScale(+feature.getProperty('value')),
            fillOpacity: 0.5

reference: ** Display GeoJSON data on Google Map ** http://shimz.me/blog/google-map-api/3445

Drawing a large area at once is heavy, so the enlargement function is disabled.

Example of drawing a regional mesh using D3.js

Here, D3.js is used to describe an example of drawing a regional mesh using SVG.


demo: http://needtec.sakura.ne.jp/tokuraku/passenger.html


$('#selMesh').change(function() {
     .attr('class', 'tracts')

  var sel = $('#selMesh').val();
  if (!sel) {

  function drawMesh(json) {
    var max = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < json.features.length; ++i) {
      var v = parseInt(json.features[i].properties.value);
      if (max < v) {
        max = v;
    var colorScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, max]).range([0.0, 0.8]);
       .attr('class', 'tracts')
       .attr('x', function(d, i) {
         var extX = d3.extent(d.geometry.coordinates[0], function(d) { return d[0];});
         var extY = d3.extent(d.geometry.coordinates[0], function(d) { return d[1];});
         var pt = projection([extX[0], extY[0]]);
         return pt[0];
       .attr('y', function(d) {
         var extX = d3.extent(d.geometry.coordinates[0], function(d) { return d[0];});
         var extY = d3.extent(d.geometry.coordinates[0], function(d) { return d[1];});
         var pt = projection([extX[0], extY[0]]);
         return pt[1];
       .attr('width', function(d) {
         var extX = d3.extent(d.geometry.coordinates[0], function(d) { return d[0];});
         var extY = d3.extent(d.geometry.coordinates[0], function(d) { return d[1];});
         var ptMin = projection([extX[0], extY[0]]);
         var ptMax = projection([extX[1], extY[1]]);
         return Math.abs(ptMax[0] - ptMin[0]);
       .attr('height', function(d) {
         var extX = d3.extent(d.geometry.coordinates[0], function(d) { return d[0];});
         var extY = d3.extent(d.geometry.coordinates[0], function(d) { return d[1];});
         var ptMin = projection([extX[0], extY[0]]);
         var ptMax = projection([extX[1], extY[1]]);
         return Math.abs(ptMax[1] - ptMin[1]);
       .attr('fill-opacity', function(d) {
         console.log('color' , d.properties.value, colorScale(d.properties.value));
         return colorScale(d.properties.value);
       .attr('fill' , '#00f');

  if (stat_dict[sel].json) {
  } else {
    $.blockUI({ message: '<img src="/railway_location/img/loading.gif" />' });
    var api = encodeURI(util.format('/estat/json/get_population?swlat=%d&swlng=%d&nelat=%d&nelng=%d&stat_id=%s&attr_value=%s',
      swlat, swlng, nelat, nelng, stat_dict[sel].id, stat_dict[sel].attrval
    d3.json(api, function(json) {
      stat_dict[sel].json = json;
}).keyup(function() {

The point to note here is that GeoJSON is used to draw with rect instead of drawing as path. Adding 1000 paths to svg makes it heavier, but rect is lighter. Since the area mesh is always a quadrangle, it is better to draw it with rect.


I explained how to describe a regional mesh at the government general statistics window eStat. I think that it was possible to demonstrate that the processing speed can be increased by temporarily storing Geometry information such as Spatialite in a DB that can store it.

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How to develop in a virtual environment of Python [Memo]
How to generate a query using the IN operator in Django
How to display a list of installable versions with pyenv
How to get the last (last) value in a list in Python
While solving the introductory statistics exercise 12.10, check how to draw a scatter plot in pandas.
How to get a list of built-in exceptions in python
How to find the scaling factor of a biorthogonal wavelet
How to plot the distribution of bacterial composition from Qiime2 analysis data in a box plot
How to get a quadratic array of squares in a spiral!
How to pass the execution result of a shell command in a list in Python (non-blocking version)
How to connect the contents of a list into a string
How to take a screenshot of the Chrome screen (prevent it from cutting off in the middle)
Output the result of morphological analysis with Mecab to a WEB browser compatible with Sakura server / UTF-8
How to display the CPU usage, pod name, and IP address of a pod created with Kubernetes
[PyQt x pySerial] Display a list of COM ports connected to the PC in the combo box
How to handle multiple versions of CUDA in the same environment
[sh] How to store the command execution result in a variable
How to implement Java code in the background of RedHat (LinuxONE)
Real-time display of server-side processing progress in the browser (implementation of progress bar)
How to know the internal structure of an object in Python
How to get all the possible values in a regular expression
How to change the color of just the button pressed in Tkinter
[Cloudian # 9] Try to display the metadata of the object in Python (boto3)
[Introduction to Python] How to use the in operator in a for statement?
[TensorFlow 2] How to check the contents of Tensor in graph mode
How to find the memory address of a Pandas dataframe value
How to output the output result of the Linux man command to a file
How to create a large amount of test data in MySQL? ??
Create a function to get the contents of the database in Go
I made a command to display a colorful calendar in the terminal
[NNabla] How to remove the middle tier of a pre-built network
How to display bytes in the same way in Java and Python