[PYTHON] How to display multiple images of galaxies in tiles


Google Colab (Python:3.6.9, astroquery:0.4)

Overall flow

--Save the astronomical catalog (fits file) from skyview --Create and save a galaxy image based on the fits file --Read image data from the directory in order and store it in the ndarray array --Plot


Save fits file

First, get the celestial names and their numbers listed in the catalog specified by Vizier.

from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
for one in sname:

In this case, len (namelist) = 448, so we can see that there are 448 celestial bodies. Save the fits files of those objects in order.

def save(p,name,obs): # save file into fits 
    for onep,oneo in zip(p,obs):
from astroquery.skyview import SkyView
path_fits="/content/drive/My Drive/datastore/fits/"
num=int(input("Times of try (for <=448) : "))

for i in range(num):
    print("Saved  {}".format(name))
    print("Not found {}".format(name))

Read the fits file from the directory. Since the fits file contains information on 300x300 ndarray arrays, make them into a 1x90000 matrix once. Do the same for other fits files and add the results to the same ndarray.

#One-dimensional image data of fits file in the directory,
#Store image data in each row of data in a two-dimensional array

path_fits=glob.glob("/content/drive/My Drive/datastore/fits/*_DSS.fits")


data = np.empty(h*w*N).reshape(N, h*w)
for i in range(N):
  data[i] = np.array(dssdata).flatten()

The image data flattened earlier is reshaped into a 300 × 300 matrix again. Plot it one by one in the direction of axis = 0.



for i in range(N):
  ax=f.add_subplot(10, 10, i+1, xticks=[], yticks=[])
  ax.imshow(data_reshaped[i], interpolation="bilinear")





[For super beginners] Try implementing principal component analysis (PCA) of images with python.

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