[PYTHON] How to get all the keys and values in the dictionary

For your own notes. I haven't researched it thoroughly, so please let me know if you have any supplements or more useful ones!

List of keys [keys ()]

dictionary = {'key1': [645, 469], 'key2': "value", 'key3': 3}
print (dictionary.keys())

List of values [values ()]

dictionary = {'key1': [645, 469], 'key2': "value", 'key3': 3}
print (dictionary.values())

Get key and value at the same time [items]

A list of key and value tuples will be returned.

dictionary = {'key1': [645, 469], 'key2': "value", 'key3': 3}
print (dictionary.items())

    #-> [('key3', 3), ('key2', 'value'), ('key1', [645, 469])]

iteritems() It may be more convenient to use this method if you use a for statement.

dictionary = {'key1': [645, 469], 'key2': "value", 'key3': 3}

for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
	print "key:", key, "-- value:", value 

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