[PYTHON] Method to get all keys of nested dict

[^ 1]: Dr. shiracamus teaches us how to write more straightforwardly in the comments.

There is a smart way to write in the comments, so please refer to it.

test= {"w": {"y":{"z":1}},"ww":1, "www":{"yy":1}}

def allkeys(a):
    keys = a.keys()
    values = a.values()
    t = []
    for v in values:
        if isinstance(v, dict):
    result = [i for i in keys]
    return result
r = allkeys(test)

Execution result

['ww', 'www', 'w', 'yy', 'y', 'z']


When the parent key is added to the key name

test= {"w": {"y":{"z":1}},"ww":1, "www":{"yy":1}}

def parentnema(k, v):
    return k +"."+ v

def allkeys(a):
    keys = a.keys()
    values = a.values()
    t = []
    for k in keys:
        v = a.get(k)
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            t.extend(map(lambda z: k + "." + z, allkeys(v)))

    result = [i for i in keys]
    return result
r = allkeys(test)

Execution result

 ['ww', 'www', 'w', 'www.yy', 'w.y', 'w.y.z']


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