Comparison of Japanese conversion module in Python3

Ciao ... †

Natural language processing is accompanied by preprocessing. Pre-processing has never been fast. So, I compared the Japanese conversion module in Python3.

Comparison items

Full-width / half-width conversion and conversion from hiragana to katakana. See both long and short target strings.


-jaconv (A module I made. Recently renamed from jctconv) -Mohayonao's code

Comparison result

Click here for details

jaconv cnvk mojimoji zenhan rfZenHan mohayonao nkf
Short sentences from half-width to full-width 27.1 µs 96.4 µs 5.04 µs 75.8 µs 222 µs 23 µs
Long sentences half-width → full-width 89.9 ms 38.6 ms 23.1 ms 360 ms 237 ms 95.4 ms
Short sentences in hiragana → katakana 18.1 µs 79.1 µs 25.4 µs 23.2 µs
Long sentences in hiragana → katakana 51.6 ms 41.8 ms 246 ms 98.6 ms

As I use Cython, mojimoji is fast. In Pure Python, jaconv has good performance in short sentences, and cnvk seems to be good in long sentences.

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