Implementation of original sorting in Python

Normal sort

If you want to sort the List in python, you can easily sort it by using the sort () function as shown below.

>>> l = ['B', 'C', 'A']
>>> l.sort()
>>> print l
['A', 'B', 'C']

However, if you sort the file list containing dots such as .file, the files containing dots will be lined up first as shown below.

>>> files = ['file01', 'file02', '.file04', 'file03']
>>> files.sort()
>>> print files
['.file04', 'file01', 'file02', 'file03']

Original sort using lambda expression

For example, if you want to sort by the part that does not contain dots like the output of the ls command, you can do it by using a lambda expression as follows.

>>> files = ['file01', 'file02', '.file04', 'file03']
>>> sortKey = lambda f: f if not f.startswith('.') else f[1:]
>>> files.sort(key=sortKey)
>>> print files
['file01', 'file02', 'file03', '.file04']

The sortKey specifies how to generate a key for sorting. Specifically, the sort target is passed as f, and if there is a dot at the beginning off.startswith ('.'), The second character is cut out and used as the key.

Other applications

For example, you can sort the list by file size by doing the following:

>>> import os
>>> files = ['file01', 'file02', '.file04', 'file03']
>>> sortKey = lambda f: os.state(f).st_size
>>> files.sort(key=sortKey)

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