Double pendulum equation of motion in python

What is a double pendulum?

Previously, in the article Equation of motion with sympy, I used sympy to derive the equation of motion of the spring-damper system. This time I would like to derive the equation of motion of the double pendulum. The double pendulum is often seen in physical mechanics, and as shown in the figure below, a pendulum is attached to the tip of the pendulum. It's just a double pendulum, but it's a complex movement that's incomparable to a single pendulum, so it's often mentioned in chaos and complex systems.



First, let's look at the equation of motion of a simple pendulum. (Imagine a single pendulum in the figure above.)

ml\ddot{\theta} + mg \sin\theta = 0

You can see that one item represents the inertial term and two items represent the gravity term, and the angular acceleration of the pendulum is proportional to the $ \ sin $ of the pendulum angle at that time. Next is the double pendulum. When it comes to deriving seriously, it will be a long story using the Lagrange function, so this time I will check the formula Wikipedia 8C% E9% 87% 8D% E6% 8C% AF% E3% 82% 8A% E5% AD% 90) is taken quickly.

(m_1+m_2)l_1\ddot{\theta}_1 + m_2l_2\ddot{\theta}_2\cos(\theta_1 - \theta_2) + m_2l_2\dot{\theta}_2^2\sin(\theta_1 - \theta_2) + (m_1 + m_2)g\sin\theta_1 = 0
l_1l_2\ddot{\theta}_1\cos(\theta_1- \theta_2) + l_2^2\ddot{\theta}_2 - l_1l_2\dot{\theta}_1^2\sin(\theta_1 - \theta_2) + gl_2\sin\theta_2 = 0

Just by looking at the equation, you can see that it is considerably more complicated than the equation of motion of a simple pendulum.

SymPyBotics Last time, I used the physics.mechanics module of SymPy directly to derive the formula, but the rigid body like this time is a clause. I would like to use SymPyBotics, which makes it easier to derive mathematical formulas for objects connected by (link). Get it from github and install it.

git clone
cd SymPyBotics
sudo python install

Create a double pendulum using SymPyBotics. Below is the code.

import sympybotics
rbtdef = sympybotics.RobotDef('Double Pendulum',
                              [(0, 'l_1', 0, 'q-pi/2'),
                               (0, 'l_2', 0, 'q')],
from sympy import symbols, Matrix, simplify, pprint
g = symbols('g')
rbtdef.gravityacc = Matrix([[0.0],[-g],[0.0]])
rbt = sympybotics.RobotDynCode(rbtdef)
for p in rbt.geo.p:
    pprint(simplify(p), use_unicode=False)

The place where you are calling sympybotics.RobotDef is where you are creating the double pendulum. [(0,'l_1', 0,'q'), (0,'l_2', 0,'q')] is the actual double pendulum parameter, but Denavit–Hartenberg parameter is a method of giving parameters used by robots. Briefly, l_1 and l_2 indicate the length of pendulum 1 and pendulum 2, and q indicates the angle of the pendulum, which are assigned to the variables q1 and q2 after the pendulum is created. The first angle is q1-pi / 2, which is added to adjust where the angle is measured. This is because SymPyBotics measures the angle from the positive x-axis, whereas the figure measures the angle from the negative y-axis. If you want to use a triple pendulum, [(0,'l_1', 0,'q-pi / 2'), (0,'l_2', 0,'q'), (0,'l_3', 0,' q')] . The last print I wrote outputs an expression that expresses the position of the pendulum, which is as follows.

[l_1*sin(q1) ]
[            ]
[            ]
[     0      ]
[l_1*sin(q1) + l_2*sin(q1 + q2) ]
[                               ]
[-l_1*cos(q1) - l_2*cos(q1 + q2)]
[                               ]
[               0               ]
params = {'l_1x': 0.0, 'l_1y': 0.0,
          'l_2x': 0.0, 'l_2y': 0.0,
          'L_1zz': 0.0, 'L_2zz': 0.0}
mass = simplify(rbt.dyn.M.subs(params))
corioli = simplify(rbt.dyn.c.subs(params))
gravity = simplify(rbt.dyn.g.subs(params))

Next, each term (inertia term, centrifugal / Coriolis force term, gravity term) that is an element of the equation of motion is derived. Generated with rbt.dyn.gen_all () and delete unnecessary parameters (parameters related to the moment of inertia) this time.

eq = (mass * rbtdef.ddq + corioli + gravity).as_mutable()
eq[0, 0] -= eq[1, 0]
params = {rbtdef.ddq[1, 0]: rbtdef.ddq[1, 0] - rbtdef.ddq[0, 0],
          rbtdef.dq[1, 0]: rbtdef.dq[1, 0] - rbtdef.dq[0, 0],
          rbtdef.q[1, 0]: rbtdef.q[1, 0] - rbtdef.q[0, 0]}
print simplify(eq.subs(params))

Finally, we actually calculate the equation of motion. At the time of the first line, the equation of motion has been derived, but [Wikipedia]( AF% E3% 82% 8A% E5% AD% 90) and the equations have been simplified and the variables have been changed to compare the results.

[l_1*(\ddot{q}_1*l_1*m_1 + \ddot{q}_1*l_1*m_2 + \ddot{q}_2*l_2*m_2*cos(q1 - q2) + \dot{q}_2**2*l_2*m_2*sin(q1 - q2) + g*m_1*sin(q1) + g*m_2*sin(q1))],
[                                                 l_2*m_2*(\ddot{q}_1*l_1*cos(q1 - q2) + \ddot{q}_2*l_2 - \dot{q}_1**2*l_1*sin(q1 - q2) + g*sin(q2))]])

It's a little hard to see, but if you think that the formula is equal to 0 and remove unnecessary variables, Wikipedia's equation of motion for the double pendulum E9% 87% 8D% E6% 8C% AF% E3% 82% 8A% E5% AD% 90 # .E9.81.8B.E5.8B.95.E6.96.B9.E7.A8.8B.E5. You can see that it matches BC.8F). This time it was a double pendulum, but it seems that it can also be applied to the derivation of equations of motion for multiple pendulums and robots.

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