python string comparison / use'list'and'in' instead of'==' and'or'

python string comparison

This output when the content of the argument is'range'or'r' That output when the content of the argument is'ladder' or'l' I want to do that I tried to make a conditional branch by comparing strings

def function1(mode):
	if mode == ('range' or 'r'):
	elif mode == ('ladder' or 'l'):
	return x

'''Execution result
Traceback (most recent call last):
    return x
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

Doesn't it react with ʻor? I tried to reverse the front and back of ==`

def function2(mode):
	if ('range' or 'r') == mode :
	elif ('ladder' or 'l') == mode :
	return x

'''Execution result
Traceback (most recent call last):
    return x
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

What should I do (・ ω ・ \ `) I thought about it and tried using the list and the in operator.

def function3(mode):
	if mode in ['range' ,'r']:
	elif mode in ['ladder' ,'l']:
	return x

'''Execution result

It went well I looked it up and didn't come out, so I thought it might be a problem for someone, so I wrote it down.

It may be embarrassing to make a note in python (・ ω ・ \ `)

By the way, there is also a comparison operator called ʻis`, but this seems to mean something like "Does the object point to itself?" And it seems to be a narrower usage.

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