Usage of Python locals ()

When I was reading the code of the template engine Jinja for Python, an unfamiliar function calledlocals ()was used, so I checked it, so make a note of it.

What is locals ()?

Excerpt from Reference

Updates and returns a dictionary representing the current local symbol table. Free variables are returned when you call locals () in a function block, but not in a class block. Note that at the module level, locals () and globals () are the same dictionary.

I interpreted it as returning the local variables that were defined when locals () was executed.

Start the interpreter as a test and check the behavior of locals ().

>>> a = 1
>>> def sample(b="2", c=True):
...     d = 4
...     l = locals()
...     print(l)
...     print(type(l))
>>> sample()
{'b': '2', 'c': True, 'd': 4}
<class 'dict'>

Since ʻa, which is out of scope, was not acquired and the variable defined in the sample` method was acquired, the interpretation of reading the reference seems to be inconsistent.

Where to use locals () in jinja

jinja provides a ʻoverlay` method that overrides the instance's configuration information.

When I was reading the method of ʻoverlay, locals ()` was used as follows.


    def overlay(
        # ...abridgement...
        # ...abridgement...
        args = dict(locals())
        # ...abridgement...
        for key, value in iteritems(args):
            if value is not missing:
                setattr(rv, key, value)

There are many arguments for ʻoverlay, but it is implemented in a smart process so that it is combined into ʻargs usinglocals ()and only the values specified by the caller are updated.

From the above, I feel that locals () is suitable for the next process or processing such as jinja that retrieves only the specified value from the caller by combining a large number of arguments into one dict. I did.


Below is my own summary.

--locals () can get the local variables defined by the time of locals () execution with dict --Can be used when you want to process a large number of arguments in a dict

That's it. If you make a mistake in the written content or interpretation, or if you have any other uses or bat know-how, please comment. : pray:

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