python * args, ** kwargs Usage notes

What can i do

You can receive all the arguments that you do not know how many will come.

Positional argument


def test(*args, **kwargs):
test(1, 2, 'hoge')


(1, 2, 'hoge')

Keyword arguments

** Enter kwargs with dict ().


def test(*args, **kwargs):
test(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, col=4, row=5)


(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
{'col': 4, 'row': 5}

If there is no corresponding argument

It will be an empty tuple () and an empty dict ().


def test(*args, **kwargs):



Convenient to use with wrapper function

You can pass the received argument as it is


def func1(a, b, c=2):
    d = a + b * c
    return d

def func2(*args, **kwargs):
    d = func1(*args, **kwargs)
    return d

print(func2(1, 2))
print(func2(1, 2, c=5))



Argument name can be changed

In fact, if the number of * is the same, the argument name can be changed freely. You can use * a, * hoge instead of * args, and ** b, ** fuga etc. instead of ** kwargs.


def test(*a, **b):
test(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, col=4, row=5)


(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
{'col': 4, 'row': 5}

Let's try!

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