For the first time in Python, make a note of what I looked up. Our experience languages are ActionScript3, C, C ++, C #, JS.
socket You will be able to handle communication. Communication processing by Python 17.2. Socket — Low-level network interface Man page of SOCKET
socket.socket() Creating a socket.
socket.setsockopt() Set socket options.
socket.SOL_SOCKET Socket level? For any socket, specify this for the time being
socket.SO_BROADCAST Broadcast settings.
socket.AF_INET IPv4 internet protocol
socket.SOCK_DGRAM Supports datagrams (connectionless, unreliable, fixed maximum length messages). Specify this for UDP communication.
random You will be able to handle random number functions. Generate a number (random value)
RPi.PGIO The sentence I found when I tried to L-Chika with RasPi. as is for naming an alias.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
How Python module import works L-Chika using Python's RPi.GPIO on Raspberry Pi
This may be good.
print Output to the console. Is there a difference in the display of character strings between double quotes and single quotes?
print "bufferSize : " + size
If you try to output with a feeling like TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects "Don't mix the molds," he gets angry.
print "bufferSize : " + str(size)
It's OK if you cast it. Or
print "bufferSize : "
print size
Put out each. A little troublesome.
You may put it in.
$ python --version
Is it quite different between python 2 and 3?
It will be dynamically typed.
msg = "%s:%s" % (1, 100) # 1:100
Python memo: When assigning a value to a string
You can define a function with a def statement.
def add(x,y):
ans = x + y
return ans
n = add(3, 5)
print n # 8
Well, since indentation is compulsory, is it unnecessary to use curly braces?
--List -** [] ** (square brackets) --So-called array. --Tuple
Introduction to Python-Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries [Python] Review the basics (list, tuple, dictionary)
#↓ Correct answer
A is None
A is not None
#↓ Incorrect answer, seems to be slow
A == None
In Python, use is instead of == for None comparison Comparison of null objects in Python
elif Is else if written as elif in Python?
Even if you comment out in Japanese, you will get angry if you have characters other than ASCII, so if you specify the encoding at the beginning of the file, you will hear that it is also said in Japanese.
# coding=utf-8
Checks if the element contains the specified value.
list = ["A", "B", "C"]
print "B" in list # True
print "D" in list # False
print "B" not in list # False
print "D" not in list # True
Check element (in operator, index method, count method)
lambda Lambda expression. Anonymous function in Python.
def func(a, b):
return a + b
print func(1, 2) # 3
If you use lambda above,
print (lambda a, b: a + b)(1, 2) # 3
And it can be stored in a variable. Hmm.
f = (lambda a, b: a + b)
print f(1, 2) # 3
lambda expressions are very interesting
Use when you want to combine multiple elements into one. Specifically, two elements are extracted from the beginning of the array and processed, and then the result and the next element are processed, and so on.
print reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, range(1, 5)) # 10
Import is required for Python3.
Comparison of how to use higher-order functions in Python 2 and 3
I was completely doing this to try it for a moment Because there is a standard library called test. Don't make in Python!
I was worried about the LED lighting from GPIO at the end of the Python program with RapPi, so I caught [ctrl] + [c] and wrote the end process.
while True:
#Normal processing here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
#End processing here
do nothing. It is used when creating empty functions and classes. Is that so?
def func()
Introduction to Python-Control Syntax
I was wondering what I could do when I said "Python is fun!", But the server starts up too easily.
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Python can build a web server in just one line Creating a web application with Python (without Apache or web framework)
This is the first time I've written it.
for integer in object:
If you put an array in the object, it will be executed in order.
list = [1,2,3]
for num in list:
print(num) # 1 2 3
If you specify the range function for the object, it will be executed accordingly.
for num in range(5):
print(num) # 0 1 2 3 4
It means that it starts from 0 and runs 5 times.
The behavior also changes depending on the number of arguments of the range function.
Explanation of python for statement for beginners! This is perfect for sentence basics
You write like this. Is Python basically trying to avoid writing parentheses in sentences as much as possible?
if conditional expression 1:
elif conditional expression 2:
Multiple conditional branches (if ... elif ... else)
Basically, it seems that you can only comment on lines with #. Quotation can play an alternative role. It can also be nested in singles and doubles.
print "hello"
print "heyhey"
Every Python object has its own unique "identification value (ID)". So, there are ** immutable ** objects and ** mutable ** objects. A ** immutable ** object is an object whose ID changes at the same time when the value of the object changes. Ordinary integers or strings?
Objects that are ** mutable ** are objects with a fixed ID. Like List.
So, in the following state, Python seems to recognize that ** the object pointed to is the same because the ID does not change **. Hmm, remember.
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
#I made a list called b that copied the contents of the list called a(I'm going)
b = a
#Later a[2]Changed the value of(I'm going)
a[2] = 5
print(a) # [1, 2, 5, 4, 5]
print(b) # [1, 2, 5, 4, 5]
Be careful when handling Python lists
When trying to realize a multidimensional array in Python --Multiple list --NumPy array It seems that there are two. NumPy is static and fast, so let's use it here.
import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
print a
# [[1 2 3]
# [4 5 6]]
class Spam:
val = 100
def ham(self):
self.egg('call method')
def egg(self, msg):
spam = Spam()
# --- output ---
# call method
# 100
What the hell, * self *.
In Python methods have at least one argument. It is customary to always name this first argument self.
I see.
Python Basic Course (13 classes)
Used to embed variables in strings.
'Arbitrary string{}Arbitrary string'.format(variable)
** Specify with argument **, can also be
apple = 50
orange = 100
total = apple + orange
print('Apple:{0}Yen mandarin orange:{1}Yen total:{2}Circle'.format(apple, orange, total))
# --- output ---
#Apples: 50 yen Mandarin oranges: 100 yen Total: 150 yen
[Introduction to Python] How to write a character string with the format function
If you get a tuple and call the element as it is, you can use the value. It's fresh because I've never written it like this.
def tasu(x):
a = x + 1
str = "data : "
return (str, a)
(n, m) = tasu(1)
print n
print m
# --- output ---
# data :
# 2
How to return multiple return values in a function
RECVMSG = 0x00000021L
When I looked at some sample code, I thought that there was an "L" after the hexadecimal number.
This is called a "long integer", which is the same as an integer, but there is no limit to the number of digits that can be handled. Even if the number of digits is exceeded without adding it, it will be converted to a major number without permission.
Hexadecimal numbers are treated as such by prefixing them with "0x" and octadecimal numbers with "0". When both are printed, they are output in decimal numbers.
I put in OpenJTalk. [How to synthesize speech (Open JTalk)]( % 88% 90% E3% 82% 92% E3% 81% 99% E3% 82% 8B% E6% 96% B9% E6% B3% 95% 28Open_JTalk% 29)
I also got kanji. It's a fairly natural utterance, but I may not use it because the sense of science fiction is not enough for the machine to speak.
Python fun! !! !! !! !!
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