Minimum grammar notes for writing Python

Notes for beginners!

Reserved word

Avoid reserved words as they are used in built-in functions such as list, abs, str! See below for details.


bool operation


a and b         #True if both a and b are true
a or b          #True if a or b is true
not a           #True if a is false

None processing discrimination


if hoge is None:
  #Processing when None
if hoge is not None:
  #When not None

Array (list)


values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print values[0] #1
print "length=" + str( len(values) ) #length=4


list = ["A", "B", "C"]

print list     # ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

Other related functions

Object (dict)


d = {'Yamada': 30, 'Suzuki': 40, 'Tanaka': 80}


for k, v in d.items():
    print k, v             # Tanaka 80, Yamada 30, Suzuki 40

for k in d.keys():
    print k, d[k]          # Suzuki 40, Yamada 30, Tanaka 80

for v in d.values():
    print v                # 80, 30, 40

for k, v in d.iteritems():
    print k, v             # Tanaka 80, Yamada 30, Suzuki 40

for statement


#Loop from 0 to 9
for i in range(0, 10):
	print "hoge " + str(i)


#Scan the contents of the array
values = [ "hoge", "fuge", 123 ]
for value in values:
	print value

if statement


if hoge < 1: 
	print "fuga1"
elif hoge < 2:
	print "fuga2"
	print "fuga3"



print "hoge" + str( 100 ) #hoge100
print 10+int("5") #15

Round the numbers


import math



def hoge(a,b):
    print "hoge";
    return "hoge" + a + b


A special variable __name__ that you often see. In the case of the main program, it will be __name__ ==" __main__ ". When you import, the file name is entered. It seems that the following notation is often used to distinguish them.


if __name__ = "__main__":
	print "It's the main program"
#	print "It's imported"

use json

How to use Load and save

Write class

About import


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