Notes for using python (pydev) in eclipse

About setting method of eclipse

Drop a suitable eclipse

I think anything is fine. I think the latest version is good. (I put the latest pydev in an older version of eclipse and it just stopped working.)

Insert the pydev plugin

help→Install New Software スクリーンショット 2016-09-12 12.21.41.png so スクリーンショット 2016-09-12 12.22.56.png And update.

pydev interpreter settings

If you include pydev, you should be able to set the environment pydev→interpreter - Python here, /Users/Hoge/.virtualenvs/project/bin/python Specify the path of virtualenvs such as.

Run runserver

run→Debug Configurations of Python Run Make a new setting in. On the Main tab Select project Specify for Main Module

On the Arguments tab runserver_plus localhost: 8000 --noreload --settings = {settings path} And so on. If you run it with this, it should work nicely.


-If runserver does not connect to the DB (connects from the console) In debug settings, to environment DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/ To set Class jump system settings screen.png Set PYTHONPATH here.

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