Precautions when using pit in Python

Try using pit and get hooked

A pit that does not write an account ID or password in the source and is prompted at runtime. It's a very good library for security, but I'm addicted to it when using it in Python, so make a note of it.

Click here for the python and pip versions I tried.

$ python -V
Python 2.7.9

$ pip freeze | grep pit

Editor does not start at runtime

Click here for the minimum description.

import pit

opts = {
    'require': {
        'id': 'your id',
        'password': 'your password',
account = pit.Pit.get('test.account', opts)

print account['id']
print account['password']

But when I actually run it, I get an error. For some reason, the editor does not start the first time it is executed. Since you have not entered both id and password, naturally you will get a KeyError when getting the value.

>>> import pit
>>> opts = {
...     'require': {
...         'id': 'your id',
...         'password': 'your password',
...     }
... }
>>> account = pit.Pit.get('test.account', opts)
>>> print account['id']

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'id'

In the default state, no editor was specified, so I had to specify vi.

if not os.environ.get('EDITOR'):
    os.environ['EDITOR'] = 'vi'

Correct and execute. vi was started, it became possible to input, and it ended normally.

>>> import pit
>>> import os
>>> if not os.environ.get('EDITOR'):
...     os.environ['EDITOR'] = 'vi'
>>> opts = {
...     'require': {
...         'id': 'your id',
...         'password': 'your password',
...     }
... }
>>> account = pit.Pit.get('test.account', opts)
>>> print account['id']
>>> print account['password']

Mysterious characters (!! python / unicode) are displayed in the editor

When you do this ...

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import pit
import os

if not os.environ.get('EDITOR'):
    os.environ['EDITOR'] = 'vi'

opts = {
    'require': {
        'id': 'your id',
        'password': 'your password',
account = pit.Pit.get('test.account', opts)

print account['id']
print account['password']
!!python/unicode 'id': !!python/unicode 'your id'
!!python/unicode 'password': !!python/unicode 'your password'

A mysterious character is added when entering id and password in vi. In conclusion, the problem was that this line was there, so deleting it will solve it.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

If you pass the unicode character as an argument, the character "!! python / unicode" will be displayed. So, even if you don't specify unicode_literals, the same phenomenon will occur even if you write it like this.

opts = {
    u'require': {
        u'id': u'your id',
        u'password': u'your password',
account = pit.Pit.get('test.account', opts)

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