Things to watch out for when using default arguments in Python


I haven't used Python yet, but I was a little addicted to it without knowing the specifications of the default arguments.

The value specified by the default argument is cached

Actually, the value specified by the default argument is ** cached **, so if you use ** mutable data ** such as a list or dictionary as the default argument without knowing this, it will behave unintentionally.

#a is the default argument
def hoge(a=[]):

hoge() # ['a']
hoge() # ['a', 'a'] ※['a']is not

If you do the above, the second call to hoge () will result in ['a','a'] instead of a = ['a']. This is because ['a'] after the first call is reused.


Use ** immutable ** values such as None, numbers, strings, and tuples as default arguments.

If you really want to use a list or dictionary as the default argument, use the following method.

def hoge(a=None):
  if a is None:
    a = []

hoge() # ['a']
hoge() # ['a']

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