How to find the cumulative sum / sum for each group using DataFrame in Spark [Python version]

It is a method to calculate the cumulative sum while grouping and sorting columns using the Window function of Spark's python version DataFrame.

It's a method I searched for while looking at the official Python API documentation, so there may be a better way. The version of Spark used is 1.5.2.

Sample data

Prepare the test data in the PostgreSQL table and load it into pyspark as a DataFrame.

$ SPARK_CLASSPATH=postgresql-9.4-1202.jdbc41.jar PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=ipython pyspark
In [1]: df ='jdbc').options(url='jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?user=postgres', dbtable='').load()
In [2]: df.printSchema()
 |-- a: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- b: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- c: integer (nullable = true)
In [4]:
|  a|                   b|  c|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:00:...|  1|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:10:...|  2|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:20:...|  3|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:30:...|  4|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:40:...|  5|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:50:...|  6|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:00:...|  7|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:10:...|  8|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:20:...|  9|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:30:...| 10|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:40:...| 11|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:50:...| 12|
|  1|2015-11-22 12:00:...| 13|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:00:...|  1|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:10:...|  2|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:20:...|  3|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:30:...|  4|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:40:...|  5|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:50:...|  6|
|  2|2015-11-22 11:00:...|  7|
only showing top 20 rows

Column a is for grouping, column b is for sorting, and column c is for calculation.

Cumulative sum for each column group

While grouping by column a, sort by column b and take the cumulative sum of column c.

First, the definition of Window

In [6]: from pyspark.sql.Window import Window

In [7]: from pyspark.sql import functions as func

In [8]: window = Window.partitionpartitionBy(df.a).orderBy(df.b).rangeBetween(-sys.maxsize,0)

In [9]: window
Out[9]: <pyspark.sql.window.WindowSpec at 0x18368d0>

Create a Column that calculates pyspark.sql.functions.sum () on this window

In [10]: cum_c = func.sum(df.c).over(window)

In [11]: cum_c
Out[11]: Column<'sum(c) WindowSpecDefinition UnspecifiedFrame>

Create a new DataFrame with this Column attached to the original DataFrame

In [12]: mod_df = df.withColumn("cum_c", cum_c)

In [13]: mod_df
Out[13]: DataFrame[a: int, b: timestamp, c: int, cum_c: bigint]

In [14]: mod_df.printSchema()
 |-- a: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- b: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- c: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- cum_c: long (nullable = true)

In [15]:
|  a|                   b|  c|cum_c|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:00:...|  1|    1|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:10:...|  2|    3|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:20:...|  3|    6|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:30:...|  4|   10|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:40:...|  5|   15|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:50:...|  6|   21|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:00:...|  7|   28|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:10:...|  8|   36|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:20:...|  9|   45|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:30:...| 10|   55|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:40:...| 11|   66|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:50:...| 12|   78|
|  1|2015-11-22 12:00:...| 13|   91|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:00:...|  1|    1|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:10:...|  2|    3|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:20:...|  3|    6|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:30:...|  4|   10|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:40:...|  5|   15|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:50:...|  6|   21|
|  2|2015-11-22 11:00:...|  7|   28|
only showing top 20 rows

You can calculate it.

Sum for each column group

Now calculate the sum of column c for each group of column a. Set the DataFrame to pyspark.sql.GroupedData with groupBy () and use pyspark.sql.GroupedData.sum (). It's complicated with sum (), but be careful because an error will occur if you have a Column option as an argument.

In [25]: sum_c_df = df.groupBy('a').sum('c')

Also, unlike before, this is not a Window function, so the result returned is a DataFrame. Moreover, the column name that stores the sum is decided arbitrarily.

In [26]: sum_c_df
Out[26]: DataFrame[a: int, sum(c): bigint]

Well, it's complicated.

For the time being, attach it as a column to the original DataFrame.

In [27]: mod_df3 = mod_df2.join('a'sum_c_df, 'a'()

In [28]: mod_df3.printSchema()
 |-- a: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- b: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- c: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- cum_c: long (nullable = true)
 |-- sum(c): long (nullable = true)

In [29]:
|  a|                   b|  c|  cum_c|sum(c)|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:00:...|  1|      1|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:10:...|  2|      3|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:20:...|  3|      6|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:30:...|  4|     10|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:40:...|  5|     15|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:50:...|  6|     21|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:00:...|  7|     28|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:10:...|  8|     36|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:20:...|  9|     45|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:30:...| 10|     55|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:40:...| 11|     66|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:50:...| 12|     78|    91|
|  1|2015-11-22 12:00:...| 13|     91|    91|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:00:...|  1|      1|    91|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:10:...|  2|      3|    91|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:20:...|  3|      6|    91|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:30:...|  4|     10|    91|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:40:...|  5|     15|    91|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:50:...|  6|     21|    91|
|  2|2015-11-22 11:00:...|  7|     28|    91|
only showing top 20 rows

You have successfully calculated the sum for each group.

For each column group (sum-cumulative sum)

Now let's calculate the remaining value up to the sum for column c. That is, sum-cumulative sum.

In [30]: diff_sum_c = mod_df3[('sum(c)'] - mod_df3['cum_c']

In [31]: mod_df4 = mod_df3.withColumn("diff_sum_c", diff_sum_c)

In [34]:
|  a|                   b|  c|cum_c_2|sum(c)|diff_sum_c|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:00:...|  1|      1|    91|        90|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:10:...|  2|      3|    91|        88|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:20:...|  3|      6|    91|        85|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:30:...|  4|     10|    91|        81|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:40:...|  5|     15|    91|        76|
|  1|2015-11-22 10:50:...|  6|     21|    91|        70|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:00:...|  7|     28|    91|        63|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:10:...|  8|     36|    91|        55|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:20:...|  9|     45|    91|        46|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:30:...| 10|     55|    91|        36|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:40:...| 11|     66|    91|        25|
|  1|2015-11-22 11:50:...| 12|     78|    91|        13|
|  1|2015-11-22 12:00:...| 13|     91|    91|         0|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:00:...|  1|      1|    91|        90|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:10:...|  2|      3|    91|        88|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:20:...|  3|      6|    91|        85|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:30:...|  4|     10|    91|        81|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:40:...|  5|     15|    91|        76|
|  2|2015-11-22 10:50:...|  6|     21|    91|        70|
|  2|2015-11-22 11:00:...|  7|     28|    91|        63|
only showing top 20 rows


As I noticed this time, using SPARK_CLASSPATH seems to be deprecated in Spark 1.0 and above. When I started pyspark, I got the following message.

15/11/22 12:32:44 WARN spark.SparkConf: 
SPARK_CLASSPATH was detected (set to 'postgresql-9.4-1202.jdbc41.jar').
This is deprecated in Spark 1.0+.

Please instead use:
 - ./spark-submit with --driver-class-path to augment the driver classpath
 - spark.executor.extraClassPath to augment the executor classpath

Apparently, when using a cluster, this environment variable is not transmitted correctly on different servers, so it seems recommended to use a different parameter.

Umm. I have to understand the difference between local and distributed environment.

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