How to take multiple arguments when doing parallel processing using multiprocessing in python

Sample code

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import Counter

#Parallel processing here
def func(n, argument1, argument2):
    #The process of doubling and adding 5
    return n * argument1 + argument2

def wrapper(args):
    #args(i, 2, 5)Has become
    return func(*args)

def multi_process(sampleList):
    #Number of processes:8(Parallel processing with 8 cpu)
    p = Pool(8)
    output =, sampleList)
    #End of process
    return output

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #Perform 100 processes in parallel
    num = 100

    # (i, 2, 5)Is the argument
    sampleList = [(i, 2, 5) for i in range(num)]

    #Double the elements of sampleList and add 5
    output = multi_process(sampleList)


The python version is 2.7.10. You can see it by looking at the code

-When parallel processing using ** multiprocessing , it is easy to pass it as a list. - wrapper () ** You can pass multiple arguments by putting a function in between. ――In this sample, all the first elements of the list are doubled and 5 is added. --If you forget to close the process (** Pool.close () **), you may open the process too much and get the error Too many open files.

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