How to plot galaxy visible light data using OpenNGC database in python

What is the Open NGC Catalog?

(OpenNGC) [] is a database that organizes NGC (New General Catalog) and IC (Index Catalog).

PyOngc in python interface

You can easily get the data using It can be installed with pip install pyongc on python3 series.


import pyongc
DSOobject = pyongc.Dso(name) 
gtype = DSOobject.getType() 
mag = DSOobject.getMagnitudes() 
surf = DSOobject.getSurfaceBrightness() 
hubble = DSOobject.getHubble()                                                                 
# print(gtype,mag,surf,hubble)
# ('Galaxy', (11.08, 12.92, 8.58, 8.06, 7.67), 22.87, 'SABb')

When you install pyongc, command line tools are also installed, and you can see how many stars and galaxies are included with the following command.


> ongc stats

PyONGC version: 0.5.1
Database version: 20191019
Total number of objects in database: 13978
Object types statistics:
	Star                         -> 546
	Double star                  -> 246
	Association of stars         -> 62
	Star cluster + Nebula        -> 66
	Dark Nebula                  -> 2
	Duplicated record            -> 636
	Emission Nebula              -> 8
	Galaxy                       -> 10490
	Globular Cluster             -> 205
	Group of galaxies            -> 16
	Galaxy Pair                  -> 212
	Galaxy Triplet               -> 23
	HII Ionized region           -> 83
	Nebula                       -> 93
	Nonexistent object           -> 14
	Nova star                    -> 3
	Open Cluster                 -> 661
	Object of other/unknown type -> 434
	Planetary Nebula             -> 129
	Reflection Nebula            -> 38
	Supernova remnant            -> 11

When analyzing the entire catalog

If you want to analyze the entire catalog, download the original csv file. If wget is installed, you should be able to download it in one shot below.


wget .

NGC.csv plot example

Code example


import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_table('NGC.csv', header=0,delimiter=";")

import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
plt.rcParams[''] = 'serif'
import matplotlib.colors as colors

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,7.))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)

usercmap = plt.get_cmap('jet')
cNorm  = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=num)
scalarMap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=usercmap)

for i, sp in enumerate(set(df["Hubble"])):
    c = scalarMap.to_rgba(i)
    df_species = df[df['Hubble'] == sp]
    ax.scatter(data=df_species, x='B-Mag', y='K-Mag', label=sp, color=c, s=1)

plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.01, 1., 0.01), loc='lower left',ncol=8, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.,fontsize=8)

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)

for i, sp in enumerate(set(df["Hubble"])):
    c = scalarMap.to_rgba(i)
    df_species = df[df['Hubble'] == sp]
    ax.scatter(data=df_species, x='B-Mag', y='SurfBr', label=sp, color=c, s=1)

plt.ylabel(r"Surface brigness within 25 mag isophoto (B-band) [mag/arcsec$^2$]")
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.01, 1., 0.01), loc='lower left',ncol=8, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.,fontsize=8)

plt.savefig("ngc_bk_bs.png ")

import seaborn as sns
plt.savefig("ngc_bvk_galaxy.png ")

matplotlib scatter plot diagram


seaborn sns.pairplot diagram


Database description

There is an explanation at

How to simplify the Hubble type, remove Nan and then plot

For example, the Hubble type is so numerous that you may want to simplify it. In that case,



As, check the type of Hubble type. Create a dictionary to convert it and create a new column to record the result of the conversion.


htype={'E':"Etype", 'E-S0':"Etype",  'E?':"Etype",  'I':"Etype",  'IAB':"Etype",  'IB':"Etype",  \
'S0':"Etype", 'S0-a':"Etype",  'S?':"Etype",  'SABa':"Stype",   'SABb':"Stype",  'SABc':"Stype",  'SABd':"Stype",  'SABm':"Stype",  'SBa':"Stype", \
'SBab':"Stype", 'SBb':"Stype", 'SBbc':"Stype", 'SBc':"Stype", 'SBcd':"Stype", 'SBd':"Stype", 'SBm':"Stype", 'Sa':"Stype", 'Sab':"Stype", 'Sb':"Stype",  \
'Sbc':"Stype", 'Sc':"Stype", 'Scd':"Stype", 'Sd':"Stype", 'Sm':"Stype", "nan":"Nan"}
df["htype"] = df["Hubble"]
df = df.replace({"htype":htype})

Here, for example, an example of simply dividing into three parts, Etype, Stype, and Nan, is shown. Converting E to E is recursive and can be crazy, so avoid converting to the same character.

How to delete Nan

Since it is a problem if Nan is in the data, extract only the necessary columns and execute dropna for it to delete Nan.


    ds = df_species.loc[:,["B-Mag","K-Mag","J-Mag"]] 
    ds = ds.dropna(how='any')

Sample code


import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_table('NGC.csv', header=0,delimiter=";")

htype={'E':"Etype", 'E-S0':"Etype",  'E?':"Etype",  'I':"Etype",  'IAB':"Etype",  'IB':"Etype",  \
'S0':"Etype", 'S0-a':"Etype",  'S?':"Etype",  'SABa':"Stype",   'SABb':"Stype",  'SABc':"Stype",  'SABd':"Stype",  'SABm':"Stype",  'SBa':"Stype", \
'SBab':"Stype", 'SBb':"Stype", 'SBbc':"Stype", 'SBc':"Stype", 'SBcd':"Stype", 'SBd':"Stype", 'SBm':"Stype", 'Sa':"Stype", 'Sab':"Stype", 'Sb':"Stype",  \
'Sbc':"Stype", 'Sc':"Stype", 'Scd':"Stype", 'Sd':"Stype", 'Sm':"Stype", "nan":"Nan"}

df["htype"] = df["Hubble"]
df = df.replace({"htype":htype})

import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
plt.rcParams[''] = 'serif'
import matplotlib.colors as colors

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,7.))

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
for i, sp in enumerate(set(df["htype"])):
    df_species = df[df['htype'] == sp]
    ds = df_species.loc[:,["B-Mag","K-Mag","J-Mag"]] 
    ds = ds.dropna(how='any')
    bk = ds["B-Mag"] - ds["K-Mag"]
    bj = ds["B-Mag"] - ds["J-Mag"]   
    ax.scatter(bk,bj,label=sp, s=2)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.01, 1., 0.01), loc='lower left',borderaxespad=0.,fontsize=8)

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
for i, sp in enumerate(set(df["htype"])):
    df_species = df[df['htype'] == sp]
    ds = df_species.loc[:,["B-Mag","K-Mag","J-Mag"]] 
    ds = ds.dropna(how='any')
    bj = ds["B-Mag"] - ds["J-Mag"]   
    ax.scatter(ds["B-Mag"],bj,label=sp, s=2)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.01, 1., 0.01), loc='lower left',borderaxespad=0.,fontsize=8)

plt.savefig("ngc_bk_bj.png ")

Generated figure


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