[Python] How to name table data and output it in csv (to_csv method)

[Python] How to name table data and output it in csv (to_csv method)

How to output the table data read by the pandas module and the processed / created table data locally as a csv file.

Basic syntax (basic option)

to_csv ('file path', encording ='utf_8_sig', index = False) └ ① "'File path'": Absolute path or relative path is acceptable └ 2 "encoding ='utf_8_sig'": Character code specification └ ③ "index = False": An instruction that does not include the index number column that is automatically generated when a table is read or created with pandas.

① is required. ② and ③ can be omitted.

** ▼ Supplement About "utf_8_sig" ** Something like upward compatibility with utf_8. Both utf8 with and without BOM can be read normally.

■ Example

** ▼ Example: When outputting the following table **

The variable df contains the table below.


How to read csv file with python here

▼ Output as csv file


df.to_csv("~/desktop/output.csv",index = False,encoding = "utf_8_sig")

** ▼ Details ** ①「df.to_csv」 └ Convert data df (variable) to csv file. ②「"~/desktop/output.csv"」 └ Specify the output destination with an absolute path. └ Output to the desktop with the file name "output.csv". └ Overwrite if the same file exists.

③「index = False」 └ No index number in the first column is required

④「encoding = "utf_8_sig"」 └ Character code has utf8 signature.

### ■ Output result ![image.png](https://qiita-image-store.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0/563526/ae6a78d6-a08a-bde9-228f-e12a054e4cab.png)
## ■ Garbled characters and errors ### ▼ Characters are garbled if no character code is specified.


df.to_csv("~/desktop/output.csv",index = False)


▼ Error if the output file name is open


df.to_csv("~/desktop/output.csv",index = False)

# PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Users\desktop/output.csv'

"Permission denied:" It looks like it was strongly denied, but it just couldn't be overwritten.

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