Overview of Python virtual environment and how to create it

Python virtual environment

I investigated the virtual environment because I was using it without knowing it well. In this article, I will briefly explain what a virtual environment is and how to create it.

What is a virtual environment?

Simply put, it's a ** space for running programs **. Install and use various libraries in this space.

Why create a virtual environment?

To solve problems such as "interference between libraries" and "incompatibility between libraries and frameworks".

Without a virtual environment ...

--If you use frameworks and libraries without a virtual environment, libraries will be added to one place more and more. --As a result, complex libraries may interfere with each other and not work well.

When using a virtual environment ...

――It is possible to select the version of python as you like and the framework library to use, such as "Virtual environment for machine learning of python3.x series" and "Virtual environment for analysis of python2.x series". Become. --As a result, problems such as interference between libraries can be avoided.

What kind of virtual environment is python?

Such. This time, I will explain how to create a virtual environment using ** venv ** below.

How to use Python virtual environment / venv

venv is ready to use with Python 3.4 and above. The command to check the python version is as follows.

$ python -V

Create a virtual environment with venv

It can be created with the following command.

$ python -m venv ****

When you create a virtual environment, the files in the virtual environment are set in the working directory. You can check it with the following command.

$ ls -la

Next, enable the created virtual environment with the following command.

$ source ****/bin/activate

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