Tool to make mask image for ETC in Python

I implemented the mask making tool introduced in the previous article in python.

Development environment

Python 2.7.9 Python Imaging Library 1.1.7


A mask image is output when an image file is inserted. [Mask source file]


[-w] Generate an image with a horizontal mask [-h] Generate an image with a vertical mask [-o] [Output file] Output with the specified file name (If this is not specified, output with _m added to the input file name)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

if __name__ == "__main__":
  import sys
  import os
  import Image

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #Normal mask image generation
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  def CreateMaskNormal(src, dst) :
    srcdata = list(src.getdata())    #Get the original data
    for i in range(len(data)) :
      c = data[i][3]
      data[i] = (c, c, c)

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #Image generation with a mask on the side
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  def CreateMaskWidth(src, dst, width, height) :
    srcdata = list(src.getdata())    #Get the original data
    dstdata = srcdata + srcdata      #Secure the write destination area

    for y in range(height) :
      soff = y * width;
      doff = y * width * 2;
      for x in range(width) :
        ct = srcdata[soff]
        c = ct[3]
        dstdata[doff] = (ct[0], ct[1], ct[2])
        dstdata[doff + width] = (c, c, c)
        soff += 1
        doff += 1

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #Image generation with vertical mask
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  def CreateMaskHeight(src, dst, width, height) :
    srcdata = list(src.getdata())    #Get the original data
    dstdata = srcdata + srcdata      #Secure the write destination area

    hlen = len(srcdata)
    for y in range(height) :
      off = y * width;
      for x in range(width) :
        ct = srcdata[off]
        c = ct[3]
        dstdata[off] = (ct[0], ct[1], ct[2])
        dstdata[off + hlen] = (c, c, c)
        off += 1

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #Generation of mask image
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  def CreateMask(in_file, out_file, w_scale, h_scale) :
    src =
    if src.mode != "RGBA":
      return False

    dst ="RGB", (src.size[0] * w_scale, src.size[1] * h_scale))

    if w_scale != 1 :
      CreateMaskWidth(src, dst, src.size[0], src.size[1])
    elif h_scale != 1 :
      CreateMaskHeight(src, dst, src.size[0], src.size[1])
    else :
      CreateMaskNormal(src, dst), "png")

    return True

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #Main processing
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  args = sys.argv  #Get a list of command line arguments
  argc = len(args) #Number of arguments

  w = False; #Whether to create a mask next to it
  h = False; #Whether or not to create a vertical mask
  o = False; #Output file specification
  in_file = "";    #Input file name
  out_file = "";   #Output file name

  #Check the arguments
  for i in range(1, argc):
    if args[i] == "-w":
      w = True
    elif args[i] == "-h":
      h = True
    elif args[i] == "-o":
      o = True
      out_file = args[i + 1]
    elif o:
      o = False
      out_file = args[i]
      in_file = args[i]

  if in_file == "":
    print u"     [Image file name to read]"
    print u"-w Generate a horizontal mask"
    print u"-h Generate a vertical mask"
    print u"-o Output file name Set the output file name"
    print u"If there is no setting, in the input file_m is added and output"

  path = os.path.dirname(in_file)
  if path != "" :
    path += u"/"

  if out_file == "" :
    #If there is no output file name, it will be in the input file_Set with m added
    file, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_file))
    out_file = path + file + u"_m.png ";
  elif os.path.exists(out_file) != u".png " :
    #To the extension.Set png
    out_file = path + os.path.basename(out_file) + ".png ";

  #Width setting
  w_scale = 1
  if w :
    w_scale = 2

  #Height setting
  h_scale = 1
  if h and not w:
    h_scale = 2

  #Create a mask
  CreateMask(in_file, out_file, w_scale, h_scale);


Now you can convert it on your mac! Please note that it will not work without the Python Imaging Library installed </ b>.

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