Experiment to make a self-catering PDF for Kindle with Python

I wondered if I could manage to use Python to capture a jpg file with a scanner. First, import the required modules.

$ pip install reportlab

I also need PIL, so install it.

$ brew install libjpeg

http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ Download PIL from the above URL. After unzipping, move the directory with cd.

$ cd Imaging-1.1.7
$ sudo python setup.py install

For the time being, the script I came up with at the moment is as follows.


#!/user/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.rl_config import defaultPageSize

canvas = canvas.Canvas("sample.pdf")
PAGE_WIDTH = defaultPageSize[0]
PAGE_HEIGHT = defaultPageSize[1]
canvas.drawInlineImage("test.jpg ", 0, 0, PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT)

print ("Success")

PAGE_HEIGHT = defaultPageSize[1] Specify the page size as A4 with.

Read test.jpg in the same directory as the executable file pdf.py and convert it to PDF. That's it. I don't know what would happen if I converted a larger file. It has been confirmed that 840 x 1200 jpg files fit in A4.

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