[AWS IoT] Register things in AWS IoT using the AWS IoT Python SDK


Register things in AWS IoT using the AWS IoT Python SDK. When there are a lot of things, it is difficult to register each time on the console.


At the same time as registering the item, do the following.

--Various information registration -Register information in "Attribute" --Register information in device shadow --Add things to "group of things" --Certificate issuance and attachment --Issue and save device certificate / key --Attach policy to certificate --Attach things to certificates


Advance preparation

--Create a group to which things belong. (Procedure omitted) group.png

--Create a policy to attach to the certificate. (Procedure omitted) policy.png


import boto3
import json
import os

class AWSIoT():
    #Certificate, key file name
    FILENAME_PUBLIC_KEY = 'public_key.pem'
    FILENAME_PRIVATE_KEY = 'private_key.pem'
    FILENAME_CERT = 'cert.pem'
    def __init__(self, dirpath_cert):
        #Instantiate the class to use
        self.client_iot = boto3.client('iot')
        self.client_iotdata = boto3.client('iot-data')
        #Directory for storing certificates
        self.DIRPATH_CERT = dirpath_cert

    def enroll_thing(self, thing_name, dict_attr, group_name, property_desired, property_reported, policy):
Register things with AWS IoT
        #Register things in AWS IoT ("attribute"Register information about things in
        self.__create_thing(thing_name, dict_attr)
        #Add registered items to group
        self.client_iot.add_thing_to_thing_group(thingGroupName=group_name, thingName=thing_name)
        #Register information in device shadow
        self.__update_shadow(thing_name, property_desired, property_reported)
        #Issue and save device certificate / key
        response = self.__create_keys_and_cert(thing_name)
        #Attach policy to certificate
        self.client_iot.attach_policy(policyName=policy, target=response['certificateArn'])

        #Link the certificate to the device
        self.client_iot.attach_thing_principal(thingName=thing_name, principal=response['certificateArn'])
    def __create_thing(self, thingname, dict_attr):
Register things in AWS IoT ("attribute"Register information about things in
        #Generate registration information (attribute)
        attributePayload = self.__create_attribute_payload(dict_attr)
        #Register things


    def __create_attribute_payload(self, dict_attr):
Generate registration information (attribute)
        attributePayload = {
                'attributes': dict_attr
        return attributePayload
    def __update_shadow(self, thing_name, property_desired, property_reported):
Register information in device shadow
        #Formatting version information to write to device shadow
        payload = self.__create_payload(property_desired, property_reported)

        #Register information in device shadow


    def __create_payload(self, property_desired, property_reported):
Formatting version information to write to device shadow
        payload = json.dumps({'state': 
            {"desired": {"property": property_desired},
            "reported": {"property": property_reported}}})

        return payload
    def __create_keys_and_cert(self, thing_name):
Issue and save device certificate / key
        #Issue certificate and key
        response = self.client_iot.create_keys_and_certificate(setAsActive=True)
        #Generate destination directory path
        dirpath_save = self.DIRPATH_CERT + thing_name + '/'
        #Write to file and save
        self.__write_to_file(dirpath_save, self.FILENAME_PUBLIC_KEY, response['keyPair']['PublicKey'])
        self.__write_to_file(dirpath_save, self.FILENAME_PRIVATE_KEY, response['keyPair']['PrivateKey'])
        self.__write_to_file(dirpath_save, self.FILENAME_CERT, response['certificatePem'])

        return response
    def __write_to_file(self, dirpath, filename, contents):
Write to file
        os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True)

        filepath = dirpath + filename
        with open(filepath, mode='w') as f:


--Define registration information --This time, register the thing named "ThingName". --Register'hogehoge_building' as'BuildingName' and '6' as'Floor' in the attribute. --Register the ideal temperature and the current temperature in the device shadow.

#The name of the thing
thing_name = 'ThingName' 

#Attribute of thing (attribute key:value)
dict_attr = {'BuildingName':'hogehoge_building', 'Floor':'6'}

#The name of the group to which the thing belongs
group_name = 'hogehoge_group'

#Information to be registered in device shadow
temp_desired = 26
temp_reported = 22

#Policy to attach to certificate
policy = 'policy_thermometer'

#Directory path to store certificates and keys
dirpath_cert = './cert/'

--Instantiate and execute the class

awsiot = AWSIoT(dirpath_cert)
awsiot.enroll_thing(thing_name, dict_attr, group_name, temp_desired, temp_reported, policy)


The device has been registered. The attributes are also registered correctly. モノの名前.png

The shadow is also registered correctly. ("Delta" is created automatically. Details are omitted.) シャドウ.png

The certificate is also linked correctly, 証明書.png

A policy is attached to the certificate. ポリシー2.png


I'm a very beginner, so I would appreciate it if you could point out and comment on even the smallest things. I'm on Twitter → @shin_job

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