Try PLC register access in Python

Try reading / writing PLC registers with SLMP. I wrote about bit access in binary code in this article.


First, make a connection with the PLC.

HOST = ''
PORT = 1026
BUFSIZE = 4096

import socket

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))

Basic parameters

This is a basic parameter to be set in the SLMP request message.

Access destination setting

Read the CPU unit register of the PLC that is directly connected to the host PC via Ethernet. In this case, set the PLC access destination as follows according to the SLMP regulations.

Item Value
Requested network number 00h
Request destination area code FFh
Requested unit I / O number 3FFh
Request destination multi-drop area code 0

Monitoring timer

The monitoring timer is set in units of 250ms. This time set it to 4 (1 second).

Device code

This time we will use the data register. Word access. The ASCII code is "D *" and the binary code is A8h.


Assemble the request message and send the frame. Use the word access of the Read command (0401h).

In binary code, it is necessary to store the value in little endian except for the subheader. Be careful because only the subheader is big endian for some reason.

Reads the values of the three registers D0001 to D0003.

# '5000 00 FF 03FF 00 0018 0020 0401 0000 D* 000001 0003'

data = [
    0x50,0x00,      #Subheader
    0x00,           #Requested network number
    0xFF,           #Request destination area code
    0xFF,0x03,      #Requested unit I/O number
    0x00,           #Request destination multi-drop area code
    0x0C,0x00,      #Request data length(Set later)
    0x20,0x00,      #Monitoring timer
    0x01,0x04,      #command
    0x00,0x00,      #Subcommand
    0x01,0x00,0x00, #First device number
    0xA8,           #Device code
    0x03,0x00       #Device score

#Set request data length
data[7] = len(data[9:]) & 0xFF
data[8] = (len(data[9:]) >> 16) & 0xFF

#Send request

#Receive response
res = sock.recv(BUFSIZE)
print (*[format(i,'02X') for i in res])

The received data is as follows. The current register values were all 0.

D0 00 00 FF FF 03 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


Assemble the request message and send the frame. Use the word access of the Write command (1401h).

Write values to the five registers D0000 to D0004.

# '5000 00 FF 03FF 00 0018 0020 0401 0000 D* 000000 0005 1122 3344 5566 7788 99AA'

data = [
    0x50,0x00,      #Subheader
    0x00,           #Requested network number
    0xFF,           #Request destination area code
    0xFF,0x03,      #Requested unit I/O number
    0x00,           # 
    0x00,0x00,      #Request data length(Set later)
    0x04,0x00,      #Monitoring timer
    0x01,0x14,      #command(1401H)
    0x00,0x00,      #Subcommand
    0x00,0x00,0x00, #First device number
    0xA8,           #Device code
    0x05,0x00,      #Device score
    0x11,0x22,      # D0000
    0x33,0x44,      # D0001
    0x55,0x66,      # D0002
    0x77,0x88,      # D0003
    0x99,0xAA,      # D0004

#Set request data length
data[7] = len(data[9:]) & 0xFF
data[8] = (len(data[9:]) >> 16) & 0xFF

#Send request

#Receive response
res = sock.recv(BUFSIZE)

After the write is completed, if you execute the Read command again, the execution result will be as follows.

D0 00 00 FF FF 03 00 08 00 00 00 33 44 55 66 77 88

You can see that writing and reading are done correctly.



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