Save the binary file in Python

I often download wallpaper images of a certain wallpaper site in a batch with ** Python **, or download material images of a certain free material site in a batch, but if it is a UNIX environment at that time,

import os
os.system("wget -O sample.jpg")

It was easy to do with ** wget **, but wget cannot be used in a windows environment. So I tried to find out how to save the binaries. It seems to do as follows.

import shutil
import requests

URL = ""

res = requests.get(URL,stream=True)
with open(filepath,"wb") as fp:

As mentioned above, the raw (HTTPResponse object using urllib3) in the Response object of the ** requests ** module, The format is * save by copying to the target file object using the copyfileobj function of the ** shutil ** module.

If you use this, for example, when you want to download image files from a certain wallpaper site at once,

import shutil
import requests
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

URL = ""
targets = []

soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(URL).text)
for link in soup.findAll("a"):
    if link.get("href").endswith(".jpg "):

for target in targets:
    res = requests.get(target)
    with open(target.split("/")[-1], "wb") as fp:

You can do it by writing it like this. It's very convenient, so I think it's a good idea to script it.

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