Try to write the configuration file in Python instead of .ini etc. ** and give it **.
The configuration file given by writing in Python is like "" below if you write the setting in the "config (cfg)" function and assign the setting value to the "cfg" object. (Example).
** Function return value ** and ** can be set separately for each case **. It is also possible to read another configuration file and overwrite (nested) it. (setting file)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Configuration file by py
import socket
# sec: config
def config(cfg):
# sec:Substituting the setting value into cfg
cfg.setting1 = True
# sec:Function return value can be set = socket.gethostname() #hostname(★ Function return value can be set)
cfg.ip = socket.gethostbyname( #IP address
# sec:Can be set separately for each case
if "PC" in # (★ Can be set separately for each case)
cfg.setting2 = True
# sec:Can be set hierarchically
cfg.setting3 = cfg.__class__() # (★ Can be set hierarchically)
cfg.setting3.setting1 = True
# sec:Configuration files can be nested
__import__("trial-config2").config(cfg) # (★ Configuration files can be nested)
Another configuration file also uses the "config (cfg)" function and "cfg" object, and is something like "" below (example). (setting file)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Configuration file by py
# sec: config
def config(cfg):
# sec:Overwrite the original settings += " +Overwrite"
cfg.ip += " +Overwrite"
# sec:Substitute new settings
cfg.setting11 = True
When "" and "" are placed as follows,
:File structure:
App side
trial-config/ (setting file) (setting file)
To read and use the configuration file written in Python above on the application side, read it with "** __ import__ (" trial-config1 "). Config (cfg) **" etc., and each in "cfg" In the form of using the value, the following code.
App side
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#How to configure and nest configuration definition files with py
import sys
# sec: main
def main():
# sec:Storage class
class Config: pass
cfg = Config()
# sec:Read
del sys.path[-1]
# sec:Result display
for key, val in cfg.__dict__.items():
print(f"{key}: {val}")
"""Console output example:
setting1: True
name: PC1 +Overwrite
ip: +Overwrite
setting2: True
setting3: <__main__.trail__py_config_file.<locals>.Config object at 0x0>
setting11: True
# sec: entry
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
All the settings in "cfg" are displayed on the console. On the application side, you can use the setting value like "cfg.setting1".
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